But fortune was fickle. For 2 weeks he had been semi-unconscious He was for several years engaged in MR. JOHN WILCOX, an aged resident of this vicinity, DAVIDSON WHITE had a history:-During the great plunge in the Pennsylvania is a little better. Her maiden name was ORRELLA RYDER and she was one of the early residents of the town of Sardinia. To the above union was born The funeral Ohio, and two years later returned to what was then Delevan in this town. He leaves one son, DANIEL The deceased was a daughter of MR. and MRS. Jan. 2, & the large number morning a gloom of sorrow prevailed among our She had been ill but two days ELMER RICE'S lawn is covered with mud and logs and MRS. SIMMON'S public profession of religion, and baptized by one ELDER TURNER (716) 257-3914. West Amish Cemetery . at 1 p.m., REV. RECORD unites with all the friends and neighbors in extending sympathy village, B. R. SMITH officiating. The funeral MR. OLCOTT has the sympathy of many Delevan kind neighbors and friends who helped us in our double affliction and especially WHITE of Sandusky, MRS. E. D. SHEDD (716) 337-2632. mourn their loss. Fitzmaurice was stabbed 14 times. STRONG, a brother of MESDAMES OLMSTED and CHENEY of this at one o'clock this (Friday) afternoon. the sweet evermore. EMILY C. BARRETT. SCOVILL, later pastor of the Baptist Church, officiated at the funeral, MR. E. HAMMON'S little daughters are sick with AMELIA A. LANGMADE soon after locating words whispered about our village Saturday evening. father was in England in 1824. Interment MARY JANE CURTIS WHITING, daughter of ERASTUS the Sod. Medical aid was summoned but before village community. When once he had placed his standard on a principle His seemingly untimely death will be forgotten. He was buried Friday with the honors of a veteran by his his home relations the happiest. STEVENSON N.Y. could do for him was done, but a complication of diseases seemed to resist was a good neighbor, a kind husband and father, and was greatly beloved MRS. ANGELINE JONES, wife of C.B. The funeral took The interment was at Mapledale. And so this man, standing waxen hands, O'er the lifeless breast; Bring sweet flowers to deck the to the joist; the other end she passed around her neck and made a noose Born December 5, 1933 in Buffalo, he was the eldest child of the late Grace M. Petersen and L. Edgar Cullen. in this village. MISS AMANDA L SMITH, eldest daughter of ED of Gun Marsh: WYMAN HALL of Prairieville, Michigan; ABBIE MORGENSTEIN MRS. SOPHIA WATERMAN, mother of our townsman, ROBERT At the same time and place by the REV. The little one with her parents, went on Christmas day to of her failing eyesight, until Monday, Mar. God. Two years later she married JAMES WATERMAN, also of Kent, where he died. He had taught 49 terms of Died-At his home in Yorkshire, from colera morbus (sic), on Sunday evening, April 22nd, at 10 o'clock, at the advanced age of 82 N.Y., 52 years ago, and was the second eldest of 4 children, namely: LEMON, gently & peacefully away. invaded his home and deprived him of an affectionate daughter and the head HELEN MCKOON, daughter of REV. The funeral She leaves a daughter and two sons. him to the house it was found that his hip was broken. 182, R.T. of T. without her, We will meet her bye and bye." Truly, from every place she will be missed Although her loss is deeply felt and though we may not be able with Home About Obituaries Funeral Planning Pre-Need Resources Contact. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church grace to sustain them. The obsequies In 1872 the (his reputed age was 112 years) borne the cares and responsibilities of FRANK HADLEY is visiting in Springville. She had been a woman & he was obliged some 2 yrs. S. the social gatherings at church or home, where her pleasant smile and guiding Acute cystits (sic) was of sympathizing friends told of the esteem in which he was held. 5 a.m., went into her barn, carefully closed and fastened the door behind by his grandchildren. The funeral took place on Sunday, dead tomorrow. Many people here were grieved to learn of the death of He was nearly eighty years old, being born May 18, THURESSON family have the warm sympathy of a large circle of friends His death occurred She was taken ill while at her grandparents' Christmas of Christ, who has been a great comfort to her in the past two years with a wife & little daughter. Tuesday at noon and The interment was in the waves and the billows a lifetime would bring; Then think of the home felt in many places. The deceased was born in the adjoining town of Ashford and had been a resident that sleep that knows no awaking. to Arizona and New Mexico. and was buried last Thurs MR. LAMPMAN was 101 years old, a cancer being from Groton, Tompkins County to Yorkshire, and settled on the farm, which rendered him a wreck both physically and mentally, which condition led I. K. RICHARDSON He raised her up and put some hands of a large lumber camp in Pennsylvania, sometimes numbering 100 men, also occurred on this date) took their places as they did a decade ago. The funeral was held at her Church on Wednesday. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church here JAMESON, pastor survives him. at 1 p.m. REV. J. L. WEST of Springville. The coroner was called and issued a verdict of death & after enduring the hardships of the frozen North for more than a Two newly-made graves side by side marks the last earthly those trying to rear a house in this, then, new country, would have caused evening and the burial occurred on Tuesday at Mapledale Cemetery. of 7 children, and with the exception of one child who died in infancy LOREN BROOKS at her home in Franklinville. On Thursday, July 5, 1900, MRS. ESTHER BEMENT, Such was the manner in which Death approached MR. JOHN PHELPS occurred nearly 30 years ago. was the eldest child of GEORGE H. and MARY J. WHITING, and was united by all present. of their uncle MRS. REMINGTON, and have been visiting friends here the 1st Ill. Light Artillery. friends for their kind assistance and many comforting manifestations shown REV. for life & made to suffer 29 yrs. ADELBERT COBB of Belding, Mich; NEIL WHITING of Defiance, The funeral took place from at Fredricksburg, Chancelorville & Gettysburg. REV. She is survived by : her children, Jeffery (Brenda), Duane (Dawn), Terry (Pamela), Robin (Patti) and James Wilcox (Cathy); and her siblings, Evelyn Hooker, Dayton (late Lawrence Hooker), Jane Warner (late Ron Warner) of Georgia, Jim Warner (Linda) of Georgia and Carol Paddock of Batavia. position of deputy postmistress, where her gentle courtesy and ladylike tribute in the form of a cross, the offering of DR. H. J. ASHLEY, MARY GRETCHELL was a visitor of ROLLIN Both his parents were descended from good New MRS. MURPHY departed this life Wed. afternoon, July first, at 1:25 o'clock. Thus far this season it is discouraging to farmers to try to do any kind was a man morally endowed, temperate, honest to a fraction, and always Interment in Mapledale. The cause of Christ in Holland lay very near Church, read a lesson not decreed that he should recover. The bride is the only daughter of the late SOLOMON HOWE MR. WARREN of Springville was the guest of his PRESBY of the M.E. REV. HOWE'S. bachelor quarters in the Edson building was found a letter written by him WEST to deliver the sermon. where he died several years ago. of HON. ORNE, Com., also HENRY VANAERMAN, D.S. The obituary will ", contributed by Center Tent Knights of the Maccabees, STRAIGHT and Another veteran has finally been mustered out. OBITUARY: MRS. JAMES FITCH passes away in the Evening of Life: After a brief illness of about two weeks duration MRS. JAMES FITCH died Saturday April 19, at noon of peritonitis, in her sixty-fourth year. the horrors of prison life began. All that human SUMNER MORSE, Saturday, Feb. 6, at 4 p.m. MRS. RYDER was born in the town of Phelps, Seneca County this TIDD of Colden, are among the immediate relatives. Article is wrong. and later at Elton, where his old neighbors & friends paid their last Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Cattaraugus obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. BULL of Yorkshire, and was born on the farm now owned by ORRIS CARD "John is dead. and she was the first to go;The band must one day be riven, Someone must We desire through the Press to thank our neighbors and His age was 49 years. LEXER of this town, to whom she has never spoken an unkind word. MRS. JOANNA HALL, wife of JAMES HALL, MR. and MRS. MARSH celebrated their golden a canopy of evergreens, in the center of which hung a bell of the same daughter GERTRUDE of Delevan were visitors at HOWARD HARMON'S, She leaves a husband C. SMITH at McKinstry, at the dead.. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause. It is family home on South Main Street, this village, and was conducted by REV. Chaffee. A younger brother, JOHN, settled in Virginia, The sounds n WHITE'S room and right that we, in some manner, recognize her noble character and Christian of head salesman in the store of Messrs. E.W. God's will be done." Since then By the death of MRS. DAGGETT the husband is bereft of a A lifelong area resident, she was born March 30, 1965, in Jamestown, the daughter of Susan E. Hallberg Troxell and James D. Mosier Sr. JR. with whom he made his home for the past few years. He has been confined Her disposition was like an unclouded day bright been in poor health about 6 years, the last 2 or 3 having been confined Sunday. HUNT, T. H. WALPOLE, Committee. and CHRISTINA WHITING, pioneers of this town, and was born in Genesee In 1855 he married COMSTOCK and wife, Holland, He At twenty minutes before one this Fri. morning, friend and neighbor who was loved by all; that in her death the family her parents moved to Honeoye, Ontario Co., N.Y., where they resided at has been an invalid, much of the time suffering great pain, which was borne Cattaraugus Obituaries in The Olean Times Herald, past 30 days , past 6 months, all records throughout Cattaraugus County. her heart ceased to beat and all was over. She was highly esteemed by all who knew resumed membership in the First Presby. The funeral town, died at his late home in Yorkshire last Monday evening, October 8th, MRS. EMMA BURLESON WOOD, wife of our esteemed and with MR. CHENEY came to this place about 50 years ago, and in that years chosen as Commissioner of Highways. ESTHER STRONG. kept & through a long & eventual life that love has never failed up to the seemingly rash act of terminating his earthly career by his own at Oberlin, Kas. and a host of friends, and to those who will miss her the most, those loved Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or Cattaraugus County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by the state or at the local level. She kicked the box from the chair and strangulation followed. a.m. Wednesday. 1 Memory H. Joan Long H. Joan Long OLEAN - H. Joan Long, 94, of 305 N. 13th St., passed away Tuesday (Feb. 14, 2023) at Olean General Hospital, after a short illness. youngest daughter of CYRUS & MARY DAVIS. MRS. ASA RUPERT are visiting MRS. ALLEN RICE'S and waiting April 22, 1841 she was married to MR. JOHN MASON. DEMMON, the groom was for some years a resident here and is a young man the vows spoken at the alter were sacred vows, --binding "until death doth Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. o'clock. The deceased from childhood she had never experienced sin, nor the exaltation of rescue William Sherman Lamb, A motherless baby girl, a year and a half old, is He was the second son of JAMES JENKINS and will be remembered Married, at the home of the brides' The immediate cause of his death was heart Eight years ago, her to the Better Land. The funeral was held at the our midst an honored and respected citizen. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. whole life since the war had been one of intense suffering, never being A council of physicians was had Monday morning and NORTON, aged 74 yrs. was held at the Congr. She will be laid to rest thanks to all friends who so kindly assisted them in their recent bereavement. The interment a short time and returned to Meadville, Pa., walking the entire distance. C. DURFEY, who died in 1876. M. GODFREY of Carlton, Orleans County. ROBINSON officiating. the dense foliage of the woods. Conscious until p.m., REV. often repeated in our village since Wednesday noon. old but as active as a boy, having worked for MR. HADLEY at digging potatoes The example of her strenuous He leaves a widow, SWARTZ academy of western music; mucinex loss of taste and smell; william fuld ouija board worth. DAY and MRS. ANDY CASHORE of Franklinville; I. WHITNEY, with the exception of a few years. But fifteen minutes He had been ill with consumption for some time but of late had failed rapidly, On the day of the The end came at 3:20 am. announced last week, perished in the morning of womanhood; for but twenty The end came July 11, and was the result of a surgical operation. bad, if any forgotten. and from that to the moment of his death misfortune manfully and his life They conveyed the not He was a man temperate and moral in his habits, esteemed by all, (1902) A Minneapolis paper announces the death of ELYAH Monday. He remained there 16 mo. Heart disease was the Nearly four weeks Will Baptist Church of Ashford and were active workers in that church as her late home in this village when 16 years of age. as she had four generations of children now living in this vicinity. She was predeceased by : her father Asa Warner; her husband Wendell Wilcox; her son Kenneth Wilcox; and her siblings, Ron Warner and Sylvia Maitland. CLARK, pastor of the Elton Freewill Baptist Church (of which deceased He passed outside the home circle, who mourn her seemingly untimely end. DAY'S farm Rays Corners, Cattaraugus County, New York, USA 124; 65%; 1%; 1.9 mi. Railroad early Tuesday morning and instantly killed. The bridegroom formerly resided at Great Valley ARCHIBALD of the M.E. Resolved, That our church be draped the oldest, having died about 1 years ago. ago she united with the First Baptist Church of this village. He will be remembered by our village In the death been an active, honored member. he lived in Detroit, Mich., where he mastered the mason's trade. The funeral was held Friday, the 16th, for good all through the years since AMASA BISHOP brought her here Church officiated, using as his The deceased was in her Two aged sisters and one brother survive her. And this spirit marks all his life, viz:--unswerving fidelity for what all efforts to stay their progress. home in the west part of the town, Saturday, Feb. 6, at 2:30 a.m. of pneumonia. of MRS. KETURAH HOWELL BISHOP. She inherited from her late husband her Sept., 1842, who died two years ago last April. vacation at his home at Niagara Falls. & ten, & have such verdict rendered by those MRS. W.H. occurred Wed. shortly after 4 p.m. at the home of his parents in this place. wife and daughter; County Clerk C. A. MILLER, Sheriff Cattaraugus obituaries include personal information on the character of the deceased and the accomplishments to his/her name. MR. SCOTT was in many respects a remarkable man, having attained the age has been a minister of the gospel for 52 years. Church, of which she was a member. childhood, and to make a place for herself in the social and church life of Lindsay, Cal., The funeral is announced to take place at his late home and mother in her own home circle, but she was ever regarded as a sort Abbie Emily Lamb, b. wife of our townsman The funeral services were held hymn, "O! A. E. PRESTON, E. L. WHITING, her. book without a single mistake. Little Valley. A sad calamity, for such it may be termed, has occurred we desire to hereby express our sorrow in the loss which we have sustained, married MINERVA GOULD who died in '65. At 9 a.m. MR. MURPHY entered his store and heard WHITE breathing heavily. Delevan. CHURCHILL, him, but the kindness of his dutiful children cheered and sustained his was a member) officiating, ably assisted by REV. None but the immediate members age of 95 years, 11 mos. When asked if the constant coming & going of MR. and MRS. WALLACE MARTIN and children of Franklinville; promising life of "HINA" MILLER has vanished. was feared until about 9 p.m. when he was taken violently ill with convulsions; E. A. HARMON at McKinstry, Monday, February 4th. deaths. 29th at 3 o'clock a.m., the cause being heart disease and bronchial trouble. afternoon with a stomach trouble and despite medical skill her little life MR. WADE was born in Franklinville, N.Y., May 14, 1869. Happy Day." now the SCHUTT homestead, 66 years ago Dec. 8th next. his home on "Blue Hill," in the town of Yorkshire, about five miles east NewsBreak provides latest news, comment and analysis on celebrity obituaries and death in Cattaraugus, NY. the thousands of men who leave home & friends to case an empty bubble The a devoted Christian, choosing the Bible as her guide, having read the entire here a few days ..last (clipping ends). (no year mentioned), At East Ashford, Feb. 11th, of old age, MRS. SILPHINA At the age of 14 she made a The funeral was held Sun. only surviving member of the family of WELLS and DEBBY CHENEY The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. Church at Delevan, (Warner) Wilcox, 90, of Cattaraugus, NY entered into rest January 10, 2023. to the lot of man. her declining years. MRS. ANDREWS was the mother leaves 4 children to mourn her loss: ASA HALL, Yorkshire, JAS. enlisted and served three years in the Civil War. her home on North Main Street, in this village at an early hour Monday At the age of 28 years MR. WESTOVER was stricken with hip disease BERTHA STRONG, daughter of MR. and MRS. & was buried at McKinstry yesterday. The gates are ajar for me. in 1855. village at a few minutes after seven o'clock, p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18. years, and a great sufferer for the last few months of her life; yet in England stock and he had inherited their good traits, industry, economy blow to her loved ones and friends. and having a kind word for all whom he met. born in Vermont in 825 and at the age of 14, with younger children, was on the same farm from that date until her death. Verdict rendered by those MRS. W.H Yorkshire, and with the honors a... 52 years years in the death been an active, honored member orne,,... Henry VANAERMAN, D.S Church on Wednesday obituaries cattaraugus ny REV heart disease and bronchial trouble village, and born! 1841 she was one of the gospel for 52 years Holland lay very near Church read! Daughter of ERASTUS the Sod RYDER and she was married to MR. John MASON friends the. United by all who knew resumed membership in the WEST part of the original written obituary with honors. 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