(This class counts as elective credit.). Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade View more recently sold homes. Information provided will describe the content of the course. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA Medical Math is a one semester (.5 credit) math course for students that have successfully passed Algebra II. Thiscourseruns for a full year. PREPARE . 25345 Taft Road Novi, MI 48374. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.8 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. 1 semester, .5 credit. Students will continue to build upon their fundamental skills in tone quality, intonation, bow techniques, shifting skills, vibrato, recognizing and performing different styles of music, increasing technical and rhythmic skills and developing as individual and ensemble musicians. 1semester, .5credit. Students will become aware of their own thinking and recognize the implication of how we value knowledge in our increasingly interconnected world. One must be able to learn to communicate, in words, mathematically and statistically. This is a sheltered class for ESL Students only. K-12 students were offered an iPad (K-1) or Chromebook (2-12) for use at school and at home. 1480 / 1481 IB German SL 2 This is a two semester, one credit course designed to prepare students for a successful transition to Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Learn about the best practices of College Success Award winning schools. Grades 10-12. Once you are logged in, please scroll down on the left side of the screen and choose "Forms." This course fulfills the PE graduation requirement and may be retaken for credit. Second semester picks back up with the global revolutions and concludes with a study of the current state of globalization. Grades 9-12. In addition to engaging in several book studies in small groups, students will also engage in a variety of independent, student-selected reading and writing experiences. 1325 / 1326 General Math Students design a chassis then cut, bend, and weld the chassis into a completed frame. It has 2,054 students in grades PK, 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Course satisfies .5 credit VPA 0442 Debate Students will perform one dance in the semester dance concert. Grades 9-12. 1 semester, .5 credit. 0702 / 0703 Symphony Band 0406E / 0407E Eleventh Grade English (ESL) *Graduation requirement can be obtained by either taking general economics only, taking both AP Courses or taking one AP and one general economics. Prerequisite: Audition Students can ONLY take 1 total credit maximum in any high school summer offering (either in seat or online). Summer refresher classes offer a review and reinforce what students learned during the past school year. Grades 11-12. Unit themes focus on leadership, culture, ethics, and the future beyond the walls of Novi High School. 1112 / 1113 Advanced Placement Chemistry 1442 / 1443 Advanced Placement Japanese Language Prerequisite: None Grades 11-12. 1300 / 1301 Applied Skills 0503 Early Childhood Education Be able to properly lubricate any moving parts of an automobile. Grades 10-12. All Music/Dance courses qualify for Visual, Performing & Applied Arts Requirement, Students must enroll in the full year (two semesters) for all Band, Choir, Dance, and Orchestra classes (Beginning Dance, Dance II, and Instrumentals exempt - they are one semester classes). This choir will work to develop sight reading skills at the intermediate level that will be demonstrated at MSUMA Choral Festival. Students read articles, research studies, and foundational and philosophical texts: listen to and view speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experience artistic and literary works to gain a rich appreciation and understanding of issues. Promotable soft skills and work behaviors are woven through discussions and collaborative projects. This a one semester course that will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in a democratic society. 2 semesters, 1 credit. This course is highly recommended for students interested in engineering, architecture, or any other technical design careers. Grades 9-12. This is a one semester (.5 credit) math course for students who have successfully passed Algebra II. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.3 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Note: The Public Notice of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Classes is available online in the course catalog. 0209 Finance II: Investing for the Long Term Students will experience an overview of a wide variety of dance styles. Grades 9-12. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA 1121 / 1122 Advanced Placement Environmental Science Connections between transformations of linear and quadratic functions to geometric transformations are included. Prerequisite: None 1 semester, .5 credit. 1002 Personal Conditioning 0475 / 0476 Wildcat Writing Den Grades 11-12. Geometry is the study of analytic and spatial reasoning. Throughout the course, students analyze how our core ideals have shaped our collective past and explore implications for the future. Students will learn to properly use job specific tools to complete automotive maintenance and repair. This course may be repeated multiple times for credit. Hands-on problem solving (e.g. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Students will explore the difference between quick breads and yeast-leavened breads. 0110 Digital Imaging II IB 20th Century World History: Authoritarian States, Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars. Grades 11-12. During his . Course satisfies .5credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or .5credit VPA 0408V / 0409V Twelfth Grade English(This course may also be offered virtually) 1 semester, .5 credit. Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Counselor recommendation is required in order for a student to enroll in this course. This course may be retaken up to two times for credit to dive deeper into the content. Units of study include: scientific foundations of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, motivation, emotion, and personality, clinical psychology, and social psychology. Students will learn the origins of each dance style and develop kinesthetic techniques to improve their levels of flexibility, coordination, posture and balance. Work in a small group on a common project. IB Business Management is designed to give students an understanding of business theory as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices and skills. Students will begin to create digitally generated images through the use of Adobe Creative Suites. 0804B Machining Students will be required to provide their own uniform. This course concentrates on the social skills, communication, mobility and process skills that are necessary for interacting in the local community as well as the workplace. These new additions integrate the existing character of the building with a fresh new look for the main entrances. Grades 9-12. Show proper measurement techniques while constructing assignments. This helps develop an understanding of the mathematical process of theorems and axioms that underlies mathematics and the concept of deductive reasoning. Advanced Placement Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism is equivalent to a first year college-level physics course. NOVI w/ NOVI SCHOOLS. Prerequisite: None Students will learn the core principles of computer programming using the user-friendly language of Python. Novi students target period poverty. 0:57. Specific skills learned will be technical facility on an instrument, musicianship, reading music, writing music, key signatures, time signatures, and composition. Prerequisite: None Pre-Calculus is the preparation for calculus. Students will learn how to process materials and assemble parts into a finished product. This full year course introduces students to the history of the United States with a focus on the post-Civil War Industrial age to the present day. - Mariah Cardenas 2018 U of M Valedictorian Average ACT score Schools. Prerequisite: Algebra IIA; course is designed to follow Algebra IIA A student who is interested in taking classes for credit advancement. Private study is expected for students in Wind Ensemble. Grades 9-12. Travel the world through food without leaving home! 1102E / 1103E Biology (ESL) The use of technology and collaboration will be stressed. 0726 / 0727 Dance IV Advanced Company Prerequisite: Art Fundamentals recommended 1418 / 1419 IB French SL 1 Grades 10-12. 1 semester, .5 credit. It includes the study of analytic and spatial reasoning. Successful completion of this course is required for graduation. Grades 10-12. Students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through the study of different types of authentic oral and written texts. Describe various finishing techniques used on various materials. This class may not be retaken. Prerequisite: Algebra I and Honors Geometry with a recommended grade of B or above Students must enroll in two semesters for this choir. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA Grades 11-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 0504 Teacher Cadet Program Students will actively participate in their learning through discussions and investigations linked to the different theoretical concepts. Grades 9-12. This helps develop an understanding of the mathematical process of theorems and axioms that underlies mathematics and the concept of deductive reasoning. Coordinators can assist students in finding a suitable placement related to their career pathway or students can use an existing job they found on their own. As an inclusive IB Diploma Program, the Student Self-Taught Language A SL course provides full DP students only with the opportunity to continue learning their home language. You will love the recent. 0617 / 0638 Statistics This course is required to be accepted into the teacher cadet program. The study of United States history prepares students to take up the challenges of life in contemporary society. 1426 / 1427 German I 2 semesters, 1 credit. 0630 / 0631 IB Mathematics SL1: Analysis & Approaches (Year 1) The focus is problem solving techniques and real world applications. Students will continue to build upon their fundamental skills in tone quality, intonation, bow techniques, shifting skills, vibrato, recognizing and performing different styles of music, increasing technical and rhythmic skills and developing as individual and ensemble musicians. 0403V / 0404V Tenth Grade English(This course may also be offered virtually) This class is designed to deepen students understanding of literature and writing. The units of study will include personal health and wellness, social, emotional and mental health, nutrition and physical activity, CPR-American Red Cross, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, safety, and sexual health education. 2 semesters, 1 credit. This course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Forces and Interactions, Energy, Waves and Electromagnetic Variation, and Astronomy and Planetary Physics. 1206 Psychology If you do not attend the audition, the instructor may place you in an introductory level course. Grades 10-12. Senior English students will meet all of the common core standards and the English 12 graduation requirements in this course. 2 semesters, 3 credits. Counselor recommendation is required to enroll in this course. While employing the historical process, we will ask, Why Europe? Each period of European history offers its own answer to this question. Would you like to have a family? All students interested in WBL must see the WBL coordinator to complete an application before registering for this course. Prerequisite: None 0805C Medium/Heavy Truck Repair Topics covered include functions and equations, trigonometry and trigonometric functions, matrices, vectors, conic sections, limits, polar coordinates, and difference quotients. 0721 Beginning Dance Note: The Public Notice of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Classes is available here LINK. Grades 11-12. Grades 10-12. This course will be taught in German, all texts will be in German, and students are expected to speak in German. This Stunning Craftsman 2,425 sq. 1 Bath. 0665 Statistical Reasoning in Sports Students will focus on the functions of marketing through interactive lectures, discussions, application projects, and activities. Units of study include: the study of traditional and popular choral repertoire, quality tone production, intermediate to advanced music literacy and musicianship, concert / performance preparation, and participation in Michigan School Vocal Music Association (MSVMA) Festival Performances. Grades 11-12. Business Professionals of America is the co-curricular student-run organization. Students will continue their acquisition of these skills through the exploration of cultural themes, grammatical concepts, and vocabulary development. Students will continue gaining skills through the use of technology that will help further explore new visual possibilities and ways of expressing effective personal vision. 0622V / 0623V Honors Pre-Calculus(This course may also be offered virtually) Complete this form to register your your child to participate in a sport at Novi Community Schools, Grade 7-12. 1114V / 1115V Physics. Grades 11-12. This is a one semester course that will introduce students to the basic tools of both microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. Grades 11-12. 0217 / 0218 Peer to Peer These style classes will help students of any yoga level, beginner or intermediate, to build flexibility and muscle tone while experiencing grounding through mindful movements and mental stillness. The student will also participate in both in-class and hybrid training days to build their knowledge and skills in mentoring a student with an IEP. Macroeconomics deals with national income, employment, inflation, money and the government's role in the economy. Grades 9-12. Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: None The class is conducted almost exclusively in Japanese. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: None 0743A / 0743B Wildcat Orchestra 0473 / 0474 The Incubator(This course will run every other school year, including the 2022-23 and 2024-25 school years) Grades 9-12. General Math is designed to help students improve numeracy so that they can use mathematics efficiently and critically to make informed decisions in their daily lives. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Cut, bend, and weld a chassis into a completed frame. Students use an electronic calendar and self-pace their time on task. It is the responsibility of the student to work with their counselor regarding the impact (positive or negative) that summer school coursework may have on the students GPA/Graduation requirements. Elements of IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course will be incorporated when possible. Novi High School - Attention Athletic Department 24062 Taft Road Novi, MI 48375 **Walk-in registration available pending registration numbers. Novi High School offers 22 Advanced Placement and 15 International Baccalaureate courses. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Roeper Specialty Programs is for kids grades 2-11. Its intent is to give students an international perspective and to promote their appreciation of cultural diversity in the workplace through furthering the study of a variety of business topics such as Business Organization and Environment, Human Resources, Accounts and Finance, Marketing and Operations Management. Prerequisite: Audition Problem solving will not require calculus; however, a strong background in Mathematics is beneficial. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) model, by an ESL certified teacher. Arthur Shi Parents: Yibing Shi (father), Jin Yuan (mother) Academic. Recommended English proficiency of 3.1 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Students learn how business documents flow through an organization, developing transferable job knowledge through activities which include: analyzing transactions, reconciling cash, determining profitability, preparing financial statements, processing payroll, valuing inventory or depreciating equipment. Down Payment Resource: Yes; Utilities. Prerequisite: Spanish III Topics of study will include Detroits role in the Underground Railroad, immigration, industrialization and the automobile, World War 2, Motown, race riots, and the 21st century revival of the city. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 0304 Applied Engineering: Mechanical Prerequisite: IB Diploma Candidate, IB World Language A SL1 1 semester, .5 credit. Students in Novi Singers, an advanced level mixed ensemble (SATB), will learn to perform a varied repertoire of music. Grade 11. Grades 11-12. This Biology course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, Structure and Function, Inheritance and Variation of Traits, and Natural Selection and Evolution. It focuses on the rest of the Algebra II topics including the study of rational and trigonometric functions, along with extending numeric and logarithmic ideas of accuracy, error, sequences, iteration and proper use of statistical techniques. Additionally, students will develop vocal technique appropriate to their developmental level. 1203ECOE Economics (ESL) Registration for OSTC programs is early February. Students learn about major political, cultural, and historical underpinnings of our society. In this course, students will be introduced to the skills and experience used in Graphics and Printing Technologies. This course will be taught in Spanish, all texts will be in Spanish, and students are expected to speak in Spanish. Students who have demonstrated a pattern of hard work and success with the 11th grade standards will be selected to mentor younger students in their writing as well as deepen their own understanding of grade level standards in ELA. Grades 10-12. Students explore their chosen career pathway and gain valuable work experience in that pathway. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method, by a SIOP-trained teacher. Prerequisite: Pre-Engineering: 3-D CAD Students taking a partial virtual schedule are required to provide their own transportation if needed mid-day. The Debate curriculum is designed to introduce students to the principles and practice of organized debate through the use of advanced level research. Together, the three areas of exploration of the course add up to a comprehensive exploration of literature from a variety of cultures, literary forms and periods. Units covered include safety, measurement, tool and machine set up, the processing of woods, metals, synthetics, welding and examines materials of the future. 2 semesters, 3 credits. Its intent is to give students an international perspective and to promote their appreciation of cultural diversity in the workplace through furthering the study of a variety of business topics such as Business Organization and Environment, Human Resources, Accounts and Finance, Operations Management and Marketing. Web based research and information gathering regarding each career pathway will occur on the high school campus, with hands-on follow-up to occur on the Providence Park Hospital campus or be provided by Providence personnel. Students must enroll in two semesters for this choir. Execute shop operations in a clean and efficient manner. This DP HL Visual art Studio Class is designed for advanced art students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Once you have selected "Forms," scroll across the top and select "Enrollment." Explain the principles of operation of hydraulics and pneumatics. Thank you for your interest in enrolling in the Novi Community School novi community education classes Grades 9-12. Select 0446 to sign up for first semester and 0459 to sign up for second semester. Hosted by Novi Community Schools. Students will use methods of calculus, when appropriate, to study and solve problems in the classroom and laboratory. Prerequisite: Algebra II (required) and Chemistry (highly recommended); 9th grade students: Honors Algebra II with a grade of B or above, concurrent enrollment in Honors Pre-Calculus or higher, and prerequisite override form Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB test second semester of either their junior or senior year. Grade 11 or 12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Load more Why novi Novi Community School District We Are Novi 1118 / 1119 Advanced Placement Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism In addition to anchor texts, students will also read supplementary texts and independently chosen texts. Grades 9-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Develop a professional work ethic and ability to provide compassionate patient care in a variety of clinical settings. In addition the origins of the American political system are addressed, as are the roles, rights and responsibilities of United States citizens. 1 semester, .5 credit. Davenport, Students who receive a B or better in 2 of the following 3 classes: Marketing 1, Marketing: Sports/Fashion/Entertainment, and/or Marketing: Store Operations are eligible for college credit through the following statewide articulation agreements: 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 10-12. This course may be repeated once. Many of the areas from Pre-engineering Design are covered in greater detail in this course plus providing in-depth experience with professional-level CAD technologies. Students are expected to practice a minimum of 30 minutes daily outside of class. Units of study are basic music theory, aural skills, and music appreciation, concurrent with an established independent study on an instrument. Emphasis continues to be on language proficiency integrated with the International Baccalaureate goal of international-mindedness. It will be an introduction to the design, implementation, and understanding of computer programs. In this way, the course involves a challenging and demanding critical exploration of the past. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 1204 International Relations 2 semesters, 1 credit. Students will receive support to achieve success in all classes. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. Grades 9-12. (Note for IB Diploma candidates: this course must be taken in the junior or senior year to be valid in the IB sequence.). Explain how to use the air lift tables and other equipment in the shop. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Earned a B or higher in all previous Social Studies and English courses 2 semesters, 1 credit. This course is designed as an introduction to the technological mechanics of the automobile. Students will continue to build upon their intermediate skills in tone quality, intonation, bow techniques, shifting skills, vibrato, recognizing and performing different styles of music, increasing technical and rhythmic skills and developing as individual and ensemble musicians. The class begins by teaching students to recognize language strategies used by professionals; students then apply these throughout the school year to improve and hone their writing style. Grade 12. During the mock trial portion of the course, students review evidence, script a case, and perform two live trials in front of student jurors. Throughout the course, students work will be guided by both teachers and professionals in appropriate fields who will serve as thinking partners for their work. Grades 10-12. Students will read and analyze a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB test second semester of either their junior or senior year. Students will become informed citizens in regard to the principal purpose and function of their local, state and federal government. 1semester, .5credit. 0431 Theater Arts Mock Internal and External Assessment testing will be administered. This course will provide a solid foundation of any entry level college course in Statistics. This class may not be retaken. This course will be taught almost exclusively in Japanese, all texts will be in Japanese, and students are expected to speak in Japanese. The. 1129 / 1130 IB Physics SL This class is open to all 11th and 12th grade students taking IB Literature HL since the class meets once a week during IB Literature and for one additional lunch hour a week. Marketing I focuses on the foundations of marketing and how they affect trade and consumer behaviors. Prerequisite: German I Course satisfies .5 credit of senior level math elective during the 12th grade year. Students are evaluated on their own progress. Prerequisite: Eleventh Grade English (or AP English) and Application Units of study for the first semester are: marching band, winter concert preparation and festival preparation. Prerequisite: None Grades 9-10. This is a course for the highly self-motivated student that will provide instruction in various training methods to help reach and maintain high levels of individual physical fitness. Emphasis continues to be on language proficiency integrated with the International Baccalaureate goal of international-mindedness. It represents functions from four perspectives (graphically, numerically, analytically and theoretically) and explains the concepts of calculus from these perspectives. 1006V Power Yoga(This course may also be offered virtually) Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: WIDA 3.1+ Recommended 1328 / 1341 Linguistics 1 Students in Philharmonic will participate in full orchestra activities. Grades 10-12. Units of study for the second semester are: participation in MSBOA District and Festival, MSBOA Solo and Ensemble, Spring Concert and Commencement preparation. Grades 9-12. Grades 10-11. Grades 11-12. about Community embraces K-4 Summer Reading Days, about Welcome Michael Giromini, Assistant Superintendent of Academics, about Karen Dennett named NCSD Support Person of the Year, about Enhancement grant will transform outdoor learning at all elementaries, Novi Middle School, about AD Brian Gordon to be inducted into MHSCA Hall of Fame in June, Novi Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC), Volunteer Background Check Authorization Form, Community embraces K-4 Summer Reading Days, Welcome Michael Giromini, Assistant Superintendent of Academics, Karen Dennett named NCSD Support Person of the Year, Enhancement grant will transform outdoor learning at all elementaries, Novi Middle School, AD Brian Gordon to be inducted into MHSCA Hall of Fame in June. Students will be responsible for researching, planning, creating, and carrying out appropriate activities for the children in our on-site preschool. Genetics and Medical Technology is an enrichment course for students wishing to increase their knowledge in medical and genetic research. Throughout the year, students will participate in lectures, discussions, laboratory investigations, videos and more. Students explore Microsoft Office 2016 improving their ability to create properly formatted Word documents, accurate Excel spreadsheets, and visually appealing charts, graphs or tables. Schoolcraft: Students who receive a B or better in both Finance I: Building Wealth and Accounting I: Service, Sole Proprietorshipcourses may transfer these courses to Schoolcraft as Accounting 103: Introduction to Accounting, 4 credit hours. Identify and explain the strokes of a two stroke engine. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Students must enroll in two semesters for this class. All students who have completed French III are encouraged to take this course. The screen and choose `` Forms. develop a professional work ethic and ability to provide their own and. 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