$122 million for Teacher, Instructional Support, and School-based Administrator Bonus Repeats and expands the FY 2021-22 bonus funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, providing an additional $1,000 General-Fund funded bonus to all teachers, instructional support personnel, assistant principals, and principals, On Tuesday, the House Judiciary 3 Committee approved HB 17: Elect the SBE/SPI as SBE Chair(primary sponsors: Representatives Hugh Blackwell, R-Burke; John Torbett, R-Gaston; Jon Hardister, R-Guilford; David Willis, R-Union) and referred the bill to the House Rules Committee, which is its last stop before heading to a vote on the House floor. Click here for an article on PEPSCs November 10, 2022, meeting, which provides more information on PEPSCs approval of this blueprint and the work still to be done. The presentation given by SBE General Counsel Allison Schafer includes general recommended changes that will be more narrowly tailored when DPIs Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) establishes specifics of the model. DPI deploys the survey in the spring of every odd numbered year to help assess youth behaviors that impact their health now and in the future. The goal of myFutureNC is to ensure that by 2030, 2 million North Carolinians have a high-quality credential or a postsecondary degree to meet the need of a majority of new jobs in the State. (1/4)#nced #LeadWithLeandro pic.twitter.com/XYp9rihESr. Copyright 2023 Market Realist. Either way, teachers who qualify for raises or bonuses will get that money by the end of January 2022, state officials told WTVD. The two appropriations committees are charged with developing the budget for public schools, community colleges, and the UNC System. WCNC Charlotte is part of seven major media companies and other local institutions reporting on and engaging the community around the problems and solutions as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic. The decades-old Leandro case has a new presiding judge. may not be republished without prior permission. The following are data points for high school students: Click here for an article on the YRBS survey data. Budget requests for 2023 legislative long session: The Board approved the DPI/SBE budget requests for the upcoming 2023 legislative long session. The motion directs PEPSC to make recommendations on how to implement pilots for the following areas of the model: This draft working document provides guidance on how PEPSC is to create these recommendations. Schools That Lead presented on its efforts to provide professional development for teachers and principals. Public schools have a new tool to follow their journey. "It's really at the end of the day, it's not the county's job, to provide. N.C. School Boards Association The report found, In 2020-21, students had more absences and lower course grades, were more likely to be chronically absent, to fail at least one course, and to be retained in grade. Those most impacted by chronic absenteeism include students in the lowest quartile of prior achievement (42.4%), economically disadvantaged students (35.6%), black students (33.3%), and English learners (32.9%). Terms . HB 62: An Act to do School Calendars Better, HB 51: School Calendar Flex/Multiple Counties, overview of budgeting practices, process, and policies, SB 87: State Emps./No Payroll Dues Deduction, HB 66: Catawba/Newton-Conover/Hickory Bd of Ed Elect. by This week, both the House and Senate took floor votes for the first time this session. House and Senate Joint Education Appropriations Committee Meeting. HB 67: Encourage Healthy NC Food in Schools (primary sponsors: Representatives Julia Howard, R-Davie; Mitchell Setzer, R-Catawba; Jimmy Dixon, R-Duplin) had its first committee hearing this week when the House Agriculture Committee approved the bill and referred it to the House Education K-12 Committee. Dr. Andrew Sioberg, DPIs Director of Educator Preparation, said this decline in enrollment will have a moderate impact on employment in the 2023-24 school year, with higher enrollment rates during COVID years mitigating some of that impact. Market Realist is a registered trademark. Our content must be republished in full. Teachers are expected to have their bonuses paid at different . This is a great victory for districts across North Carolina, said Sharpe. The new budget ups the funding on that plan to $170 million total. Mondays forum highlighted success stories and focused on what needs to be done to achieve this 2030 goal. Other edits must be approved by emailing Anna Pogarcic at, Photos and other multimedia elements (audio, video, etc.) The budget also, however, decreases funding for community colleges across the state by a little more than $12 million dollars to account for the decrease of 2,009 full-time equivalent students at community colleges. He added, A change of this magnitude is a great opportunity for a fresh perspective, and we look forward to working closely with Aetna to create new ways to provide price transparency, increase access and quality while lowering the cost of health care for those who teach, protect and serve, and taxpayers like them.. In the meantime, three of those issue briefs are linked below. On Tuesday, SB 49: Parents Bill of Rights (primary sponsors: Senators Amy Galey, R-Alamance; Michael Lee, R-New Hanover; Lisa Barnes, R-Nash) passed the Senate on a 29-18 party-line vote. HB 17 is a constitutional amendment that requires 14 State Board of Education (SBE) members to be elected to four-year terms from districts established by the General Assembly. The final three issue briefs will be included in next Fridays Legislative Update. $4.7 million for Teaching Fellows; expands program eligibility to include any State Board of Education-approved educator preparation programs, broaden eligible certification areas, extend the reduced payback period to Fellows who teach in high-poverty schools, improve opportunities for talented minority candidates, and expand program support and enhancement. This investment is expected to support up to 535 additional Teaching Fellows with forgivable loans. Detailed information for each forum date and location, as well as a virtual option, will be made available on the Commission website prior to the day of the forum. EdNC is a nonprofit, online, daily, independent newspaper. When the school was notified that the issue would be put before the State Board, it responded that the school needs more time for the new highly qualified EC Executive Director to respond to the situation. On Tuesday, House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, announced House Committee assignments for the 2023-24 legislative session. The organization focuses on improvement efforts at the classroom level, in order to elevate student outcomes. Any recommendations adopted by the SBE will require legislative approval. But as WUNC reports, the new budgets base salary raises for teachers give them about $50 to $65 month more each month than they received with the prior salary schedule. On Wednesday, the2023 State Revenue Consensus Forecast was released and shows projections of a $3.25 billion (10.7%) budget surplus for the 2022-23 fiscal year. SB 52: Open Meetings/Administering Organizations(primary sponsors: Senators Vickie Sawyer, R-Iredell; Todd Johnson, R-Union; Tom McInnis, R-Moore) had its first committee hearing this week when the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill and referred it to the Senate Rules Committee. Click here for an article on the meeting. Guest teachers also get bonuses under the new plan, now eligible for a total bonus of $2,500. Click here for the presentation that includes more YRBS data (slides 15-35), as well as data from the 2021 Healthy Active Children Policy Report (slides 3-11). Please use the following guidelines when republishing our content. The budget allocates $100 million of the states portion of federal coronavirus relief funds for the bonuses.
[email protected]. This isnt a partisan issue. Flexibility/Buncombe & Asheville. However, employees working fewer than 20 hours/week are considered temporary employees, and are therefore not eligible for these bonuses. Click here for the Portrait FAQ and click here for the Portrait webpage. As a reminder, PEPSC is developing this model, which would pay teachers based on performance, effectiveness, and years of experience, rather than exclusively on years of experience. N.C. School Boards Association HB 58 (primary sponsors: Representatives Vernetta Alston, D-Durham; Allison Dahle, D-Wake; Rosa Gill, D-Wake; Terence Everitt, D-Wake) and SB 74 (primary sponsors: Senators Sydney Batch, D-Wake; Michael Garret, D-Guilford; Rachel Hunt, D-Mecklenburg) include rights regarding students safety, comfort, and health. $1.25 million for recruitment and professional development, $10 million for career development coordinators in Grade 6-12. It also requires DPI to submit a report to the General Assembly by February 15, 2024, on suggested changes to the school accountability model. All rights reserved. Read more about this under the State Revenue Forecast section. "was the right budget for North Carolina at this time." Leaders said that the 2022 budget was built to help the state weather current and predicted economic trends and also provide needed infrastructure . While the Working Group is continuing to refine its list of indicators that have valid and reliable measurements, it is also considering how to weigh growth versus proficiency. The model is expected to provide higher salaries for most, if not all, teachers. DPI, in a memo to schools, estimates the federal COVID-19 stimulus funding thats been set aside for the bonuses will only cover about 80% of the potentially 100,000 teachers who likely qualify for the bonuses. CORRECTION: A previous version of this article stated that newly-proposed pay raises for teachers in 2022-23 were in addition to the 2.5% average pay increases passed in last years budget. Expected impact notes this expansion has potential to impact over 500 students per year. The State Board of Education (SBE) met this week on February 1 and 2 for its monthly meeting. Bill to Limit Teacher and Employee Retirement Income. HB 120: Government Retirement/No Vacation Leave Spiking. The long-running Leandro court case is currently sitting at the North Carolina Supreme Court, and it will ultimately decide if a judges decision to force the state to turn over $1.7 billion to fund the plan was proper or not. DPI staff will continue to refine the list of indicators and engage in stakeholder feedback. Teachers across the state may not be as lucky. You can listen now on Android, iPhone, Amazon, and other internet-connected devices. So far during this legislative session, two statewide and three local school calendar bills (one of which was filed last week) have been filed. Requirement. The press release says, State education leaders are encouraged by the latest assessment outcomes, which they say indicate that schools across the state are implementing science of reading-based practices even as many teachers are still learning about the instructional approach. DPI deploys the survey in every odd numbered year to help assess youth behaviors that impact their health now and in the future. The local school calendar bills would affect 18 school districts. Finally, Democrats re-elected Senator Dan Blue, D-Wake, as Minority Leader. NC School Boards Association After the oath of office, the body elected Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, to serve as Speaker of the House for a record-setting fifth term. As a reminder, this model would pay teachers based on performance, effectiveness, and years of experience, rather than exclusively on years of experience. Truitt also presented the Portrait Playbook, which is meant to familiarize school districts with Portrait competencies. During the meeting, DPI staff explained that some indicators were collapsed to provide more aligned metrics, and some indicators were removed because they had minimal agreeance (e.g., discipline and per-pupil expenditures) and because they had little to no valid and reliable measurements (see slides 6-12). Click here to access DPIs press release on this K-3 literacy data. Click here to access the presentation, which includes more disaggregated data. Committee member, Representative David Willis, R-Union, said consideration should be given to aligning the traditional public-school calendar with the community college calendar to allow more students to participate in dual enrollment programs. Terms. Statewide Education Bills with Action This Week. You can read more about what pay educators can expect here. by Anna Pogarcic, EducationNC December 16, 2021, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. Moore said, I am confident that as we continue to address some of the states most pressing needs, we will continue doing so in a fiscally responsible way that leads to even more growth for North Carolina, Berger stated, Todays consensus revenue forecast confirms that North Carolinas tax policies are fueling economic growthWe must continue to prioritize responsible spending, addressing our states workforce needs, and providing additional tax relief to our citizens.. Dr. Houlihan says the state can still raise the current starting teacher base salary of $37,000 annually across the board and keep that separate from merit pay. The Portrait identifies seven competencies that students need for success after high school (click here for the list). On TikTok, they describe the working conditions. 7208 Falls of Neuse Road The budget provides $32 million for a transportation fuel reserve that DPI can use to help districts who need assistance. The legislation passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. On Wednesday, the following local education bills passed the House on voice votes and have been sent to the Senate: So far during this legislative session, two statewide and ten local school calendar bills have been filed. In response to the revenue forecast, Governor Roy Cooper stated, These increased funds are needed desperately to pay our teachers more, fund our schoolsI hope we can negotiate a bipartisan budget that makes these investments without more tax breaks for the wealthiest among us. Additionally, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate Leader Phil Berger weighed in. of Ed. HB 136: Arts High School Diploma Endorsement. The state funded about 82,000 full-time teachers during the 2020-21 school year, according to DPI data. Together with the increases provided in SL 2021-180, these increases provide an average increase for existing teachers of at least 7.5% over the biennium. Teachers with 15 or fewer years of service will receive an annual step increase representing about a 1.2 percent raise over the prior year. "eligible teacher " is a teacher who is in the top 25% of the State or LEA based on the EVAAS scores See all of our reporting atcharlottejournalism.org. Please email Anna Pogarcic
[email protected] you have any questions. While teacher pay is always the highlight of any budget, given the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, this budget also includes additional money for school safety. The budget for this year and next is the first passed by lawmakers and signed by Gov. HB 17 is a constitutional amendment that requires 14 State Board of Education (SBE) members to be elected to four-year terms from districts established by the General Assembly. HB 17 is a constitutional amendment that requires 14 State Board of Education (SBE) members to be elected to four-year terms from districts established by the General Assembly. RALEIGH, N.C. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will have to use a reserve fund to cover all of the $1,000 bonuses for teachers included in the new state budget. SB 49 was fast tracked to the Senate Rules Committee, which will meet at 5:30 pm on Monday, February 6. Another $26 million will go to an allotment to help districts provide one School Resource Officer for every high school. Click here for an article on SB 49s passage in the Senate. Schools provide a safe haven for many students. For a list of House education committee assignments, click here. In November 2022, the NCSBA Delegate Assembly approved NCSBAs 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda, which will be used to guide the Associations advocacy efforts. The bonuses are meant for any teacher or instructional support personnel whose salary comes in part from state funds and who is employed as of Jan. 1, 2022. HB 11: Schools for the Deaf and Blind. EdNC is a nonprofit, online, daily, independent newspaper. In the final week before the end of the fiscal year, the Republican-led House and Senate agreed to a budget compromise that includes a 4.2% average raise for teachers for 2022-23. The budget allocates $100 million of the states portion of federal coronavirus relief funds for the bonuses. SB 49: Parents Bill of Rights (primary sponsors: Senators Amy Galey, R-Alamance; Michael Lee, R-New Hanover; Lisa Barnes, R-Nash) was filed late in the afternoon on Tuesday and, less than 20 hours later on Wednesday morning, it was introduced in a press conference and presented in the Senate Education/Higher Education Committee meeting. It began as a program directed at the states poorest students, but over time lawmakers have expanded which students are eligible for the program. The current model calculates school grades based on 80% student achievement and 20% student growth. See more on those two bills below. By unanimous vote, Representative Sarah Stevens, R-Surry, will once again serve as Speaker Pro Tempore. An initially long list of potential indicators to measure school performance have been reduced to four academic indicators and four school quality indicators. The average teacher pay increase will be 4.2 percent, with additional incentive bonus pay for teachers in underserved counties. All teachers will get $300 from funds that would have otherwise been spent on bonuses for teachers who improve students reading scores. The reference to the California nonprofit is about WestEd, the organization that initially developed an action plan to help the state get in alignment with its constitutional duties. The State Board will discuss the school again at its January meeting. A comprehensive presentation of the Working Groups recommendations is expected to be given at the SBE meeting next Wednesday, February 1. These bills give more control to the local boards of education to create a school calendar that better fits the needs of their students and community. Click here for an official bill summary. Advocates say invest more in them. The legislature plans to start conducting business next Wednesday, January 25. The following is a recent timeline leading up to the reassignment of the Leandro case to Judge Ammons. Currently, the State Superintendent is elected to a four-year term and is the Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer of the SBE. Suite 301 The2023 State Revenue Consensus Forecast was released on Wednesday and shows projections of a $3.25 billion (10.7%) budget surplus for the 2022-23 fiscal year, putting total state General Fund revenue collections at $33.76 billion. Dr. Tomberlin explained that this increase could be attributed to the methodology prescribed in law, which does not count retired teachers, long-term substitutes, interim teachers, and teachers with a permit to teach or provisional license as a permanent placement. The newly-proposed average pay raises of 4.2% are instead of the raises passed last year for 2022-23. Please use the following guidelines when republishing our content. Only about $5 million in pandemic stimulus funds remained unused as of Nov. 30 (about 1.6% of those funds). Below are a few of the provisions included in the 11-page bill. While bill sponsors say that SB 49 prioritizes parental involvement and increases transparency, critics claim the bill will cause harm to some students. Under the new law, active reservists and the honorably discharged with at least eight years of service may now be employed as instructors. The budget includes a recurring $250,000 so that schools can get grants to provide such products. The increases in this budget are on top of that. As a reminder, this draft model would pay teachers based on performance, effectiveness, and years of experience, rather than exclusively on years of experience. Last month, Board members heard a presentation from the chair of DPIs Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) on this blueprint. Federal K-12 COVID-Relief Spending Update: There are less than two years left for school districts to spend $189.5 billion of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief money. Hunt said there would need to be a lot of public educatoin prior to placing this on the ballot. The plan also increases the state match. The Board approved the funding request. For the most recent update on the Leandro case, click here to access our January 6, 2023, Legislative Update. HB 120 will not help efforts to retain top teachers. All of EdNCs content is open source and free to republish. Click here to access DPIs press release. Also, there is no additional funding associated with the requirements of the bill. We must come together to ensure that our students can read and have the opportunity for a quality education. Were very relieved we have a budget, Freebird McKinney, the director of legislative affairs at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and a former North Carolina Teacher of the Year, told WUNC before the bill had been signed into law. Community college personnel get an extra 1% across-the-board salary increase. of Ed. $10 million for Smart Start; provides grant funds for community colleges to host early childhood education centers. Retirees or their beneficiaries. Committee assignments for the State House are expected to be announced soon. Each working group has a January and February meeting scheduled. While the long session budget passed last year included a hold harmless provision for districts that saw a drop in average daily membership due to COVID-19, it only applied to the first year of the biennium. Roy Cooper signed the state budget into law on Monday, citing spending on education and the workforce, as well as ongoing negotiations about. This week, Governor Roy Cooper announced a series of Public Forums hosted by the Governors Commission on the Governance of Public Universities in North Carolina at which members of the commission will seek ideas and suggestions on how to enhance and refresh the governance structure of our public universities. On January 9, 2023, two parents from Union County filed a lawsuit in Superior Court against the Union County School Board alleging the Board adopted a school calendar in violation of State law. HB 30: Reduce Length of Granville Bd. In the 2020-21 school year, 39.6% of middle school students failed at least one course, compared to 15.5% pre-pandemic, and 34.9% of high school students failed at least one course, compared to 21.7% pre-pandemic. Legislators will then have a two-week break, and return to Raleigh on Wednesday, January 25 to begin their work. RALEIGH, N.C. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will have to use a reserve fund to cover all of the $1,000 bonuses for teachers included . Oates resigns to take Deputy State position, More schools have panic buttons, locks and police, new data shows, Congress got rid of a free lunch for all program. This plan ups that match to $4 for every $1. Secure websites use HTTPS certificates. The bill also makes the State Superintendent the chair of the SBE. Click here for an article on the presentation to the Board. This was the first YRBS since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Regarding students who enrolled in summer 2021 programs, the study found that enrollees were less likely to repeat failed courses. Also, if your school board adopts its own legislative agenda, please forward it to
[email protected]. But the state has been urging schools to use their funds before those deadlines, and how much is leftover from the Dec. 31 spending deadline isnt yet known. This makes it much easier for schools with JROTC programs to staff the instructor positions. For the most recent update on PEPSCs work on this new model, click here to access our January 13, 2023, Legislative Update. The Working Group was presented with updates to academic and school quality indicators, which will be included in the Working Groups proposed accountability model. NCSBA alerted districts across the State to contact their members of Congress and urge support of the bill. Tens of thousands of state employees are scheduled to receive a $1,000 bonus on Dec. 21. Upon signing Senate Bill 105 into law on Nov. 18, Governor Roy Cooper said in a statement that the desperately-needed pay increases for teachers is one of the steps necessary for North Carolina to emerge from this pandemic stronger than ever.. this week changed to last week). State Superintendent Catherine Truitt has said the Portrait is needed because employers are seeking durable skills (personal qualities and traits) almost four times more than the top five technical/hard skills. Click here for a list of the affected school districts. On Wednesday, January 25, the House and Senate reconvened to begin work for the 2023 legislative long session. So, with the new budget in place, when will N.C. teachers get their bonuses? 2021-22 Educator Preparation Program (EPP) performance report: Following the presentation on the state of the teaching profession, Board members were presented with EPP performance data that showed a 42% drop in new enrollments between 2021 and 2022, falling back to 2017 levels. Applicants will be notified of their selection on February 24, and the first meeting will be on March 7. The Department of Public Instructions Exceptional Children Division said it noticed deficiencies at the school as early as February 2020. Click here for an article on the presentation and the Boards discussion. All full-time state employees, including teachers and principals, who were employed as of Dec. 1 will be getting $1,000 bonuses. May 5, 2022, by To an allotment to help assess youth behaviors that impact their health now in. 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