Available November 15, 2021 Pictures need to be viewed on desktop view They are also easy fleshing due to their small frame and design. Box 547 Vernon, FL 32462 Cody Watson. Judy raises cattle in a highlymanaged, grass-only system that he believes is better for his cows and the environment. Cattle for Sale. They are smaller framed cattle which helps to provide a more economical solution for small farms like ourselves. Price 1600. Ranchers like Judy were put in a pickle, without the cows appropriate for their grass-only systems. Through natural selection, a highly adapted survivor was produced. Our mature cow weight will range from 950 to 1050 lbs. They are not going to grow faster than a Charolais or a Gelbvieh. View 'Cattle for Sale' listings; Recent Listings of 25 Head or More; Recent Listings of 24 Head or Less; Upcoming Production Sales Calendar; It is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which make it the perfect source of protein. Over the centuries, they spread from coast to coast, primarily in the southern regions of the United States. A relative newcomer to the beef cattle scene, the South Poll is a small-framed, stout, highly fertile red cow, well adapted to hot and humid conditions. Come take a look!Heifers would make a great set to breed. The breed also has a rock star or at least, country music star cachet; it was originally developed in the 1990s by Teddy Gentry, the bass player for the country music group Alabama. Sign Up! More to come. Click to learn more. These bulls are extremely docile, broke to hot wire and daily paddock moves. Red Poll cattle are a dual-purpose breed developed in eastern England in the early 1800s. We have breeding stock available throughout the year. There's so much to see here at mountainglenfarm.com! He advises ranchers to start by purchasing the best South Poll bull you can afford and breed it to the best females in their existing herd. Email: [email protected]. These bulls have been raised solely on forage and mineral. In addition to being lower in calories and fat than grain-fed beef, it is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and lower in cholesterol. 1967 chevy impala supernatural for sale. They must wean their own calf, be dog gentle, and hot wire broke. For Judy, it comes down to raising cattle in a system that works with nature instead of against it. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. South Poll cows during the South Poll Field Day at Pooler Creek Farms in Copan, Oklahoma, in September. Call or text 270 Three18-011 NINE. Around 1990, the idea for a breed to suit our changing climate was in the works. 3/4 CROSS SOUTH POLL GRASS GENETIC HEIFERS FOR SALE, 88 HEAD. Defining Characteristics South Poll cattle are bred for their fertility and their longevity. In mid-September, South Poll cattle fans from all over the US showed up in Copan, Oklahoma, for the annual South Poll cattle auction. 3 registered cow calf trios left that have been bred back to registered bull with a bull calf on their sides. "South Polls are highly adapted to all climates and grasses and will excel on grass alone." Teddy Gentry, Bent Tree Farms, Fort Payne Holiday Ranch P.O. Gold Shaw Farm interviews Greg for cattle advice when starting your own farm. **PLEASE NOTE** The South Poll Grass Cattle Association is not liable for any listings in the Classified Section - all transactions are between buyer and seller. They have been weened for at least 3 months.South Polls are bred to excel on a grass based grazing system. We love to talk farm and cattle with our fellow farmers, so feel free to schedule a visit with us. Three 75% South Poll heifers for sale Posted: Feb 27, 2023 Price: $2,000.00 Owner: Cody Watson Location: sharpsburg, KY I have 3 - 75% South Poll heifers. Amarillo TX, 79114, [email protected] We Sell Quality South Poll Breeding Stock & Grass-Fed Beef Follow the links for livestock sale information. Our bulls are very slick-hided, heat tolerant and KY-31fescue adapted. Holiday Ranch P.O. Missouri rancher Greg Judy spots a six-month-old South Poll heifer calf in his herd that is a prime example of what he calls a good doing cow. 540.461.0116. . We know and understand the cattle industryand have the genetics to SIMPLIFY your operation. Will sell one or all. [512] Current account deficit: Down $1.1 billion, or 0.9%, to $124.1 billion in the third quarter of 2019. Home Create New Account. Their main emphasis placed on high fertility, longevity, and calm disposition. Spanish Goats originated in 1500s Spain during the days of natural sustainable agriculture, arriving in North America in the 16th century. Add to favorites View detail Compare listing. Feral groups, as well as those bred on individual ranches, have their own characteristics within the Spanish Goat breed. Ultrasound and actual carcass data on the South Poll tells us that they are as tender, or more tender, than straight bred English cattle. The South Poll, a maternal composite combining four maternal breeds: Angus, Hereford, Senepol, and Barzona, is a moderate framed, slick haired cow designed for hot, humid environments. Links to Cattle Producers' Websites & Facebook Pages About Listing your Cattle Operation 1.806.499.3853 [email protected] My Account Login Create Account South Poll/ All Classes/ All States Click Here to View Listings South Poll Indexed by Cattle Class Bulls Cows Cow and Calf Pairs Bred Heifers Replacement Heifers $3,500 for the fullblood $2,000 each for 75% Gentle, family friendly, and raised exclusively on grass. They were born between June and Aug last year. South Poll Cattle The South Poll is a maternal composite combining four maternal breeds: Red Angus, Hereford, Senepol, and Barzona. Name: Jeremy Wenger Phone Number: 573 789 2882 Location: versailles, MO 65084 Number of Head: 10 Breed: South Poll 9 yearling heifers. We have to go to animals that we know thrive under good management.. Learn more, Katahdin Hair Sheep were developed by Michael Piel of Maine in the late 1950s for meat quality rather than for wool. Judy is far from alone in his enthusiasm for this up-and-coming breed. Because of the influx of other goat breeds, such as Boers in the 20th century, relatively few purebred Spanish Goats are left in the United States. Sort By . Call for specific directions. Most US cattle are bred to be require grain rations and antibiotics but the small-framed red cow thrives on a grass-only diet with benefits to the environment. The Spanish Goat is a Landrace and varies in appearance depending upon the locale in which it is bred. Steers are hot wire broke, very heat tolerant, slick hided and extremely docile. Instead, they encourage healthy root development increasing soil health, which some scientists have found allows the soil to capture and store carbon from the atmosphere a process known as carbon sequestration. Relentlessly selecting for the best-adapted cows within his own system has allowed Judy to produce South Poll mother cows so well-adapted that they stay healthy through the winter. 47 Heavy Bred Angus Cows For Sale Listing # 32146627 Class/ Category Cows Location Walsh, CO Breed Angus. Production Sale Videos (173) 3C Cattle Co; 4 M Angus / Burken Cattle; A&R Red Angus; Allen Brothers Cattle; Allencroft Angus; Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch and Triangle J Ranch; They have great udders and have a high-milking ability. Kiko Goats. (Can be weaned)1, 5 year old cow with bull calf at her side.2, 3 year old cows with this years bull calves at their side2, 1.5 year old heifers.Would like to sell as a package deal, but are open to other possibilities. Cattle For Sale. 1 (888) 519-1623 . Katahdin ewe and ram lambs - Ewe lambs sold out for 2021check for availability for 2022. Class / Category. Started by Marvin Shurley in the 1990s, this line has some of the fewest individuals. By promoting multiple practices that build soil health, regenerative agriculture has been said to improve agricultural lands and ultimately sequester carbon, according to Rattan Lal PhD, an Ohio State University soil scientist and the 2020 World Food Prize winner. South Poll heifers - Sold outbred heifers available in October, 2022. Bart, Sarah and Ty appreciate farm life and cherish the friendships developed in agriculture. Five 11 to 12 month old 34 South Poll Heifers for 850 each. These cows are bred to tolerate heat better than any other cow. Alta Vista, KS 66834, Hours . South Polls are slick-haired, small-framed cattle that weigh around 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. Because they were not considered an important livestock breed like cattle or sheep, they were not intensively bred or managed and, left on their own, they adapted to the region that they inhabited. Red Polls are early maturing cattle that produce a choice carcass at 14 months of about 650 to 700 pounds. We love to talk farm and cattle with our fellow farmers, so feel free to schedule a visit with us. Texoma South Poll Cattle, 7613 North 44th Street, Duncan, OK, 73533, United States 520-490-4424 [email protected] Grass Fed Beef Contact Member of SPGCA Bulls For Sale. Everything is banded at 12 months of age. Red slick and fancy. Phone: (209) 304-8047. Texas Equine Hospital: https://www.texasequinehospital.com Music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music#regenerativeranching #regenerativeagriculture. Our steers out of these cows will finish on grass in 24-26 months. South Polls also have a very gentle disposition, which makes them easy to manage in the pasture or in the feedlot. Not south poll cattle. We Specialize in South Poll Cattle! Semen for Sale ~ Bull 6400 / (Reg # 37362) The South Poll breed is a 4 way cross of (25% of each) Red Angus, Barzona, Hereford, and Senepol. Read more about why we chose South Polls for our ranch. Zero calves were abandoned! Menu My Cart Smokie Pond Farm Grass-Fed South Poll Cattle Close Home Photos South Poll History Why Grass-Fed Beef? Box 547 Vernon, FL 32462 (ALSO 78 FIVE HUNDRED POUND STEERS AVAILABLE SAME DATE) Steer prices determined by going to this link for July 17th: https://www.ams.usda.gov/market-news/feeder-and-replacement-cattle-auctions Heifers were born in the fall of 2022. Forgot your password? A relative newcomer to the beef cattle scene, the South Poll is a . Breed. The cattle are high quality with a focus on longevity, high fertility, and calm demeanor. They are primarily used for meat, however, our registered kiko goats are sold for breeding stock. These cattle are extremely heat tolerant and very slick hided in the summer. They are grazed with the mob with twice daily moves across lush clean re-grown pastures. Teddy Gentry- Creator of South Poll Cattle Corner Post 124 subscribers Subscribe 331 33K views 5 years ago Teddy Gentry spent thousands of hours on the road touring with country music band. Semen test was good and Trich test was negative.South Polls are bred to excel on a grass based grazing system. Forgot your password? South Poll Cattle. Production Sale Videos (177) 2K Cattle Enterprises; 3C Cattle Co; 4 M Angus / Burken Cattle; A&R Red Angus; Allen Brothers Cattle; Allencroft Angus; South Poll cattle are known as the "Southern Mama Cow Breed" which was developed in 1989 by Teddy Gentry of Bent Tree Farm near Fort Payne, Alabama. Cows; Bred Heifers; Open Heifers; 9:00AM5:00PM Sand Mountain South Poll . -Can We would like to purchase some small or large groups of South Poll or South Poll cross heifer calves or yearlings. Todays pure Spanish Goats retain their ancestors basic characteristics, being hardy, worm resistant, maternal, and prolific. At Rainy Knob Ranch, we have chosen to breed the Devils River line of Spanish Goats. The first two pictured are full blood South Polls.They have had all shots and have had calf hood vaccine. She sports a shiny, slick red hide that flies avoid landing on; cows stressed from fly bites Judy has seen hundreds on a single cow dont grow well. Drop me a line at [email protected] if youre interested in a bull. Other important traits include that they are adapted to fescue grass, are gentle and long-lived, and are fertile with great mothering instincts. Under decent management, sequestration exceeds emissions, and the better the grazing management, the more it exceeds it.. . Very healthy fast growing calves! Learn More. They weigh from 700-1000pounds. top of page. Price To. They have been weened for at least 3 months.South Polls are bred to excel on a grass based grazing system. Todays Katahdin breed has exceptional carcass qualities, maternal instincts, worm tolerance, hardiness, and reproductive efficiency. Sand Mountain South Polls is a farm producing registered south poll cattle for sale. Gentry crossed a Barzona with a Hereford and then a Senepol with a Red Angus, and then these two offspring were bred resulting in what we know today as the South Poll breed. For Judy, that is the goal a cow that needs nothing but well-managed grass, passing their health and wellbeing on to the next generation. But Judy has learned not all cows thrive on grass alone, especially the type of cattle favored by a US ranching industry that has grown largely dependent on feeding cattle grain rations. Price From. The South Poll Field Day in Copan, Oklahoma. Our bulls have to work for a living on grass and they love breeding cows. Reducing our herd of South Poll Angus cross cattle.We have 5, 5 year old cows (4 bred back to South Poll bull)5 heifer calves born March 2018. In 1999, a group of Co-Op breeders came together who were all dedicated to breeding South Polls and created the South Poll Grass Cattle Association. I have a few select ram lambs available as of June 2021 'In the sun they'd cook': is the US south-west getting too hot for farm animals? Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Redemption Creek Ranch. Invite Greg Judy to Speak at Your Conference, St. Croix Crossed Parasite Resistant Ewe and Ram Lambs. Originally introduced to the USA from England in the 1880s, Red Poll cattle are a moderately sized, deep auburn red, quiet, curious, easy to manage breed that is highly productive on grass. No wormers, no shots, no fly tags or rubs. PO Box 20048 Find out what we have for sale. Our bulls are very slick-hided, heat tolerant and KY-31fescue adapted. Today, the farm produces cattle, tobacco, hogs, corn, soybeans, and a variety of hay and silage crops. Some of the animals purchased at the auction may be cross-bred with other cattle breeds. These cattle have excellent carcass traits are have very lean and tender meat. In addition, the Mediterranean type goat that was common in Spain in the 1500s and the ancestor of the Spanish Goats no longer exists. Log In. www.cattlerange.com, Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts, USDA January 2023 Cattle Inventory Report, Stocker, Feeder, & Slaughter Steer Price Comparison, Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings, Cattle & Corn Bullish/Bearish Consensus Charts, "Shootin' The Bull" Commodity Market Comments, Cattle/Ranching Photos from the 'Good Old Days', Questions & Info about submitting a Listing, Links to Cattle Producers Websites & Facebook Pages, 25 Angus & BWF 1st-Calf Heifers w/ 12+ Calves Western KY, 25 Reg. Check out our new documentary filmed at Green Pastures Farm by MarketPlace, Homesteady founder Austin Martin interviews Greg, Check out Gregs Youtube channel Greg Judy Regenerative Rancher over 220 videos to view. But today, approximately 97% of US beef cows spend the last four to six months in confined feedlots where they are fed grain rations until slaughter. The Norfolk was a small, hardy, red-and-white, horned breed known for the high quality of its beef. The idea for th Just sold one, so one great looking 2 1/4 year old full blood South Poll Bull available for $2000. Health conscious people love to eat grass-fed beef. Though the South Poll was bred for the hot humid south, there range is expanding our bulls are doing well from Utah all the way to the east coast and from Nebraska all the way down to the Mexico border. Click to learn more. Joe Frescoln 724-613-2767 [email protected] Mountain View, MO Home Taking deposits to reserve heifers now. They stay fat all year on fescue/clover pastures. This heavily managed grazing style also called holistic grazing is part of a growing worldwide interest in regenerative agriculture. South Poll Bull - 2.5 years old $2,250.00 Sold out View Details Full Blood South Poll Bull - Son of Broadway $5,500.00 View Details 2 Year Old Bull $2,250.00 Sold out View Details Cows and Heifers Scroll down for pictures and videos. We use the natural testicle to put on weight as long as possible. To view the lots and videos, click here. Learn more. Mature bulls weigh 1,800 to 2,200 pounds and cows 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. South Poll cattle. His 300-plus herd is kept together in a dense group, and moved often Judy moves his cattle twice a day to fresh paddocks creating a symbiotic relationship between cows and grasslands that soil scientists are finding encourages soil health and rapid grass growth. List/View Cattle for Sale. Invite Greg Judy to Speak at Your Conference, St. Croix Crossed Parasite Resistant Ewe and Ram Lambs. We have 5, 5 year old cows (4 bred back to South Poll bull) 5 heifer calves born March 2018. Forgot your password? "South Polls are highly adapted to all climates and grasses and will excel on grass alone." Teddy Gentry, Bent Tree Farms, Fort Payne. We believe that South Poll Cattle have the best genetics for a grass fed operation like ours. Amarillo TX, 79114, [email protected] . We raise gentle, easy-fleshing, moderate-sized cattle that are selected on fescue for fertility, hardiness, and longevity. 10 years ago we had the opportunity to buy a select herd of Foundation Cows and breeding bulls for the South Poll breed. Cows Commercial - Beef Cattle Selling Price: $2,000.00 / Head Financial Calculator Listing Location: Lewisburg, Kentucky 42256 Private Treaty Details Average Weight: 1,200 lb Total Weight: 22,800 lb Price Description: $2000 for all $2400 if you pick and choose Compare luke woodall Lewisburg, Kentucky 42256 Phone: (270) 889-1138 MondayFriday: We will have some two year old, 100% forage raised South Poll bulls for sale in the summer of 2023. Prices are $900-1200 hd. A cow that will do good on grass alone. South Poll steers - Available in December, 2021. The bulls on average. I even have several producers with them in southern Minnesota. Shes got a big butt, Judy says, meaning wide hips that will help her easily bear calves when grown. These bulls have been raised solely on forage and mineral. Therefore, it is important to preserve Spanish Goat genetics by continuing to raise these goats. South Poll Angus Cattle - $21000 (Dixon Kentucky) View larger image Ad id: 410181658629465 Views: 1016 Price: $21,000.00 Reducing our herd of South Poll Angus cross cattle. Cattle For Sale. In the South, where family ties still bind and names still count, the Minis family are reckoned of the blue blood of Georgia, their history dating from colonial times and the grandfather of Abraham Minis having been the first male white child born in Georgia. Teddy Gentry founder of South Poll Cattle. For Sale: 10 South Poll Open Heifers Listing #: 32126460 Inquire About These Cattle Now! It was created by Teddy Gentry (of the Alabama country group fame) to thrive in a grass-fed program in hot, humid environments such as they have in Alabama where Teddy lives. The South Poll Breed started in 1989 and are a cross between Red Angus, Hereford, Senepol, and Barzona and has been selected to fit the needs of raising cattle in a grass-based system. Log In. Teddy Gentry, of Fort Payne, Al. Steers will average from 950 to 1100 lbs when finished. They are very heat tolerant, allowing them to finish in different types of climatic environments. Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter Get our RSS Feed Join Us on Google+, Search Results > 1 - 20 of 526 listings for Cow/Calf Pairs for sale, For Sale: 16 Crossbred, Hereford Cross Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 20 Charolais Cross Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 3 Belted Galloway Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 2 Angus Cross, Holstein Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 100 Santa Gertrudis Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 40 Black Angus, Brangus Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 1 Dexter, Jersey Cow/Calf Pairs, For Sale: 45 Black Angus, Hereford, Red Angus Cow/Calf Pairs. PO Box 20048 Virgin Island hair sheep were crossed with British wool breeds over a period of 20 years, selecting the offspring with the desired traits. We focus on producing starter herds and seed stock of the south poll breed. Youll never have a herd any better than what you are willing to cull for.. In Judys system, those common cows, as he calls them, looked like they had been starved six months after he put them on a grass-only diet. South Poll cattle are bred to be slick-haired, small-framed cows with emphasis placed on high fertility, longevity, and . We dont place any crutches under our cows. But the growth of regenerative grazing systems has been slow, in part because, as the cattle industry turned to feeding grain, ranchers ended up breeding fewer cows that could thrive on grass alone, says Richard Teague PhD, a range ecologist with the Texas A&M University Agrilife Research center. Registered black angus cattle for sale 3 registered black angus bred cows. A composite breed that combines Red Angus, Hereford, Barzona, and Senepol cattle, South Poll cows are a slick-haired, red-hided, heat and insect tolerant breed, weighing . Check out the classifieds on Southpoll.com . The Angus cattle are unregistered but from the Shelby cattle herd in Tennessee, built out of OCC 120 head of weaned Steers and Heifers mostly Black Angus. Red Poll Cattle are a dual-purpose cattle breed known for excellent, nutrient-dense, tender meat, and rich milk. A composite breed that combines Red Angus, Hereford, Barzona, and Senepol cattle, South Poll cows are a slick-haired, red-hided, heat and insect tolerant breed, weighing around 800-1100 pounds. South Poll Cross Heifers - Honnas Land and Cattle Company 1/2 South Poll x 1/2 Angus Cross Heifers for sale - exposed to a Greg Judy South Poll Bull These are pasture raised, grass fed heifers They will be exposed for 60 days Price - $950 each - all have been sold. 540.461.0969 540.461.0116 Cattle for Sale Home; All; State. Meanwhile, the grass-only beef market is small, but growing rapidly, according to a report by Stone Barns Center. At Rainy Knob Ranch, we raise South Poll Cattle, Katahdin Hair Sheep, and Spanish Goats because they work in a natural, grass-based, low-input environment. 33527 Alta Vista Rd He argues that raising cattle like that comes at the expense of the health of consumers and the health of the soil that nurtures them. It has good mothering instincts that have earned it the nickname the southern mama cow. South Polls are red or red and white in color. South Poll cattle are bred for their fertility and their longevity. The intensive livestock grazing systems such as Judy uses are one of the best ways within agricultural systems to sequester carbon, according to Teague. www.cattlerange.com, Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts, USDA January 2023 Cattle Inventory Report, Stocker, Feeder, & Slaughter Steer Price Comparison, Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings, Cattle & Corn Bullish/Bearish Consensus Charts, "Shootin' The Bull" Commodity Market Comments, Cattle/Ranching Photos from the 'Good Old Days', Questions & Info about submitting a Listing, Links to Cattle Producers Websites & Facebook Pages, Links to Cattle Producers' Websites & Facebook Pages, https://www.barchart.com/solutions/disclaimers. The steers never get any shots, wormers or grain. Then, ranchers should select the best females from that generation and breed those with a South Poll sire a technique called line-breeding that quickly focuses on desirable traits without risking genetic defects. Kikos are extremely neat and low maintenance goats. Currently most of our South Poll cows and bulls are in middle Missouri due to severe 2 year drought here in Tennessee. This is the kind of heifer you want, Judy says. In addition to their relatively low maintenance costs, South Poll cattle produce excellent tasting beef. Red Polls resulted from the combination of the Norfolk and Suffolk cattle breeds. South Polls are slick-haired, small-framed cattle that weigh around 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. Mountain Glen Farm Fairfield, Virginia 24435, United States Call for specific directions. Cattle-exchange.com is the number 1 online cattle marketplace to buy, sell and list cattle for sale. Esquire Land & Cattle : Red Poll Cattle - esquirelandandcattle.com Return to listings. Register online or Print registration form at www.southpoll.com under the Events page and mail to SPGCA 5235 Gravel Point Road Mountain Grove, MO 65711-2680 or call Ann Demerath at (256) 996-8355 www.southpoll.com FRIDAY, JUNE 25 9:00 - 1:00 Cattle Viewing/Registration Open/Networking 1:00 - 1:30 Welcome 1:30 - 3:00 Producer Panel w. It's true what you'll continue to hear about this breed; that their mothering instinct is fantastic. Smokie Pond Farm - South Poll Cattle located in Vernon, Alabama owned by Bruce Watkins & Sarah Stockman. Read more Yearling Registered Fullblood bulls Posted: Feb 25, 2023 Price: $3,500.00 Owner: Troy Lohman Location: Butler, IL You cannot build a herd of grass efficient cows using 1800-2200 lb herd bulls as sires. Our bulls mature weight is 1100-1200 lbs. Event details for Kentucky Beef Expo - Scales Ring: Red Poll, Gelbvieh, & Shorthorn Sales. You can build a herd out of those.. Ranchers hope to use the South Poll genes to adapt their existing cattle to do better on a grass diet, Judy says. Bart manages the day-to-day farming operation and computerized swine records. However, Teague argues, Its not the cow, its the how. A 2015 study in Georgia of dairy cows in an intensively grazed system recorded eight tons of carbon sequestered per hectare annually. They . They have access to free choice mineral and clean water. South Poll Cattle, although moderate in frame size, produce calves with sufficient growth rate. Pair of Angus Bred (pregnant) cow and heifer - weight 1700lb cow & 1300lb heifer -age solid might 4-7 years & 2 years -pregnancy status: both are confirmed pregnant by the Vet from Centennial Livestock South Poll Angus Cattle - $21000 (Dixon Kentucky), Angus Cattle (Calves Cows) (Deer Park), South Poll or South Poll cross Heifer Calves or Yearlings Wanted (Wagoner Oklahoma), (Sold) South Poll Heifers for Sale - $850 (Independence). 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In Vernon, Alabama owned by Bruce Watkins & amp ; cattle: red Poll cattle located Vernon... Gtjudy4099 @ gmail.com if youre interested in a bull calf on their sides View the lots videos. Crossed Parasite Resistant Ewe and Ram lambs lower in cholesterol Hair Sheep were developed by Piel! Your Conference, St. Croix Crossed Parasite Resistant Ewe and Ram lambs ago we had the to! Texas Equine Hospital: https: //www.texasequinehospital.com Music: http: //www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music # regenerativeranching # regenerativeagriculture natural testicle put... These Goats Walsh, CO breed Angus and computerized swine records a herd any south poll cattle for sale in kentucky than what you are to! Registered South Poll grass GENETIC Heifers for 850 each ( 4 bred back to registered bull a... Home ; all ; State email address to receive news and updates Croix Crossed Parasite Resistant Ewe Ram. Calf on their sides newcomer to the beef cattle scene, the idea for breed. 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