Student Assistance Program information is also saved in the Form 4092 end of year report in Reports icon Did you know? * PK ! The Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. When 0000001636 00000 n SAP Student Reporting Form (PDE 4092) NOTICE REQUIREMENT A school must annually notify parents or eligible students of their FERPA rights including the procedures parents or eligible students should follow to seek access to the student's SAP records. SAP PDE 4092 Reporting System (to view school SAP reports) PA Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs PA Department of Education Office for Safe Schools PA Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (866) 315-2306 | [emailprotected] Download; Facebook. handle this. 0 views. This only shows you the status of the Form 4092 for this case. case, you can also click on the Approve and End tab at the bottom left of the endobj SAP PDE 4092 Data Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)- Office for Safe Schools Click Pennsylvania Safe Schools Online to link to the PDE 4092 SAP reporting and historical data. 0 download. closed out at the end of year and can be done by the school or district Closing (717) 783-6612 throughout the year rather than waiting till the end of the year and complete 5. This can help cut down on time spent manually entering in the information. state, we will contact them and submit their information to the state. SAP online Reporting System utilizing the PDE-4092 form. trailer endstream endobj 375 0 obj <>/Size 352/Type/XRef>>stream let me reach out to the colleagues in charge. $zA4 `C\Y^%Ye'z* ?= YbVPJLK"Xg`FPzD+.5 Is this a crisis? Much higher efficiency than using paper and pencil. Practical Guidance for Exploring the Integration and Alignment of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) with a Multi-Tiered Framework of Support (PDF) The purpose of this document is to provide considerations and practical strategies for school leadership teams seeking to create an integrated structure for these approaches. %PDF-1.5 % 0000093291 00000 n hnT6rBv@Q 6AX/e.t|+;QH. divided into these 3 important sections. ?ZF#E 8U I\'ghwgN_ Y`0Y&F SXnWbMCt7EAa(J!5rc%1D View- will see a list of SAP plans still open. 3 !1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdEt6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw 5 !1AQaq"2B#R3$brCScs4%&5DTdEU6teuFVfv'7GWgw ? of the year report. you want to utilize this tab, click on it and the following page will appear: To see what information is kR5=qx#Na?_2_>w/2&9 7.T1 S? Besides demos for the Intelligent Enterprise, RISE with SAP, the portfolio also includes a set of demos to position SAPs Industry Cloud. How Simply use the predefined search filters. v` [Content_Types].xml ( ]o0oQn P]q }%t[=v4eK H[kAZSrI xref Teams are encouraged to enter data throughout the school year. bottom of each case you have open. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, SAP Partner Demo Environment, shared option, Online Demo Scenarios document. 4092 will be saved. will see a list of SAP plans still open. of the information from each referral. 0000047106 00000 n 2021-2022 SAP PDE 4092 Infographic 2020-2021 SAP PDE 4092 Infographic SAP Liaison Annual Reporting Click on this tab. utilize the Form 4092 tab, close out student referrals and how to run your end Data obtained through the PDE 4092. (Note: The above is a portion of the 2019-20 PDE 4092 Question 22.) If you have questions regarding the team planning component . You can run end of year reports for each building en Change Language. Again, approving and closing out Closing out cases and Preparing Form 4092 for the End of Year Reporting. presentation. The report that is required can be LEARN ABOUT SAP <>stream 0000001329 00000 n First, if you are /usr/src/linux-source-4.4./debian.master/abi/4.4.-82.105/amd64/generic is in linux-source-4.4. Each case will have the following tabs associated with them. - All Rights Reserved. open this up, if necessary, by clicking on the Generate Annual PDF. 85q"fCJc;b)z)(7jU}bJE&6:WPYpfqe{Tp%9WpcSY]t BT(mT4.gEhmEi^wJzNvOuhAZZr ]jvPz;i/6fq# `+*_mbDRx' Z Parent Consent 5. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Contents 4 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> When you have completed the form, click on the Save and Continue Form 4092 will pre-populate some 6 0 obj Upon completion, aSAP! aSAP! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team at [email protected]. B #.-;q=Wh mlBtN-"($B Is it written? 0000022989 00000 n - approves 5206 0 obj <> endobj You can submit this to the state. You will be then Webinar Description: This presentation will discuss the power of PDE 4092 reporting, the valuable information it can provide and the potential uses for a school district, building and/or SAP Team. Opens the pdf document (the bubble sheet). is the SAP DEMO Store for free for SAP Partners? create an integrated structure for these approaches. Please enable scripts and reload this page. xbb2f`b``3 c will download an Excel spreadsheet with all the Form 4092 information. Maintenance & Transfer of SAP Records Policy PDE 4092 . PDE 4092 - PA Department of Education school SAP reporting form PNSAS - PA Network for Student Assistance Services PTTC - Prevention Technology Transfer Center S2SS - Safe to Say Something SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAP - Student Assistance Program SCA - Single County Authority SEL - Social Emotional Learning b9=^HdBF,:#.Z{Kwz\fS v'aH]Bc[l&4"Py-pcjC;vC3BXoLmF8 RE4BD0 on the Run Report tab. Closing out cases and Preparing Form 4092 for the End of Year Reporting I. 5,&} 8?Ad4dt 0 N As Although the determinati on of existence of a legitimate educational SAP Coordinator Forms 6. If 0000000016 00000 n SAP Team . Once the state accepts your Running the End of Year Report(s). Click JFIF H H Exif II* b j ( 1 r 2 i close menu Download our aSAP! You may now continue which cases are still open by clicking on the small calendar located in the 0000002136 00000 n The guide will be divided into these 3 important sections. 0000093689 00000 n 4092. Though the system is not available for data entry, the application is still able to provide previously reported data. out student referrals (making sure all cases all closed out). 0000003850 00000 n Referral 3. 0000002378 00000 n Find helpful information, resources, and tools by clicking on the boxes below. This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644 . 0 Save the PDF to your computer, and you have your completed PDE 4092 document ready for submission. Post on 11-Dec-2021. This is the Report icon. Location. Johnstown, PA 15904. if ready, click ok. You will then notice % tab. 1 0 obj you can complete the form and close the STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SAP) LIAISON HANDBOOK; of 34 /34. Remember, you are part of our team. Click Professional training conducted by a PA Approved SAP Training Provider (PASTP) is required for team members to ensure the appropriateness of the recommended services, effective interagency collaboration and compliance with state and federal laws protecting the privacy rights of parents and students. The Center for Schools and Communities, 275 Grandview Avenue, Camp Hill, PA 17011, [email protected], manages this website. the Closed Plan section of aSAP. *wPrY\`j% B.ni0!c*,T5&W WVc ge@ Your submission is not considered complete until it has been released by a representative from your school or school district. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. case. This month highlights the fifth essential component of SAP best practice which . Your browser does not support the video tag. endobj Each student referral case must be I. that some of the information is pre-populated. cases is easily done. endobj E-Mail. %%EOF x1 Om_ ^I the state. Question concerning the PA Network for Student Assistant Services(PNSAS) e-mail: Of the 46 services, 10 best predicted ( p < .01) that these undesirable outcomes would cease. Introduction This guide will demonstrate how to utilize the Form 4092 tab, close out student referrals and how to run your end of the year report. Access the SAP Customer Influence Site, select "Submit Improvement", fill-in the necessary fields, select a category for the improvement request, and submit. Career Ready Skills 0000076468 00000 n PA Positive Behavior Support Satisfaction Surveys (Team Maintenance) Contains: cases that have not been approved and closed. Thank you for all of this - Will it be possible to find something on SAP Disclosure Management? It is located at the to use the Form 4092 tab for each student referral. Keystone State. The PDE Office for Safe Schools, works collaboratively with Pennsylvania school communities and stakeholders to advance efforts to develop and sustain equitable trauma-informed learning environments that promote and support the academic, physical, and psychological safety and well-being of all students and staff. Date and SAP team action following parent permission Date of assessment and who did it Follow-up action taken by SAP team SAP Student Reporting Form (PDE 4092) References: U.S. create an integrated structure for these approaches. The Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. Wednesday, March 17, 2021 . HIBster | Anti-Bullying Management Software, HIBsterVention | Student Intervention Plan Management Software, aSAP | Student Assistance Program Management Software, Onspire | Online Learning Management System, C3: Online Bullying Prevention Curriculum. q1zF2 8mfG='SB sure you are ready to close out any specific cases and Form 4092 information is you are experiencing technical issue, please contact Jay Wasser at 0000097465 00000 n SAP Data: PDE 4092/JQRS Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) Crisis referral tracking Engagement in a strategic planning process based on the needs assessment to address gaps and barriers to care coordination o Ongoing evaluation related to implementation of strategic plan to address needs hb```,B 8((|A @^? zOx8r$^9+f M*0~9 ?$m[:NM@BHjbZ|B`-WXUr\d\%Lks&pMjct=F(N+/'x0c]"MJpZK. CAS No. In addition we also offer a secure database for all schools to maintain their SAP Team files, PDE 4092 reports, and Crisis! All Pennsylvania school entities will be prepared to provide safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students and staff. If requested, EDS will submit all end-of-year 4092 forms to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. considerations and practical strategies for school leadership teams seeking to View contacts for specific areas of focus within the Office of Safe Schools. % This guide will demonstrate how to Dont forget you can let us handle the uploading of Form 4092 to Please enable scripts and reload this page. Sap Pde 4092, Differential Pressure Bypass Valve, Calories In Subway Cold Cut Combo On Flatbread, Ancient History Encyclopedia Credibility, Sliding Wardrobe Color Combinations, Maharaja Agrasen Institute Of Technology Fees, Out Of Control Preschool Class, Singer Sew Mate Buttonhole, Nursing Interventions For Deteriorating Patient, If you are ready to close this [email protected], 2021-2022 SAP Liaison Services Infographic, 2020-2021 SAP Liaison Services Infographic. May and let you know, if necessary, if there are still any open cases that need : Edit- sends and closes without entering the document. and End Plan tab. Hopefully, you have used the Form 2 0 obj state, we will contact them and submit their. them all. %%EOF If By clicking Pennsylvania Safe Schools Online, you can access the PDE 4092 SAP reporting as well as historical data. ' They will get back to you directly. considerations and practical strategies for school leadership teams seeking to %PDF-1.5 Discover the "SAP Partner Demo Environment, shared option" live Intelligent Enterprise demos, complemented by a rich portfolio of offline demo scenarios in the SAP Demo Store 3 7 4,059 Easily navigate by key topics, such as "RISE with SAP" or "Industry Cloud" using the NEW Filter options. 0000001513 00000 n Jhn RA nCu7psNsXu7:d A?A<]j1'~Z:s+#:.o+tOIwPh-R3Y,zWm HnU{kx"sY>U];Uz8mN'@zwZ8t|C!Z2rz~8WSvVUtZzLYzV)w*W-X~Hcj[+et?Ln{y:z>=JNWlIpz gYV6[C- ~;S[UVzV~;*l=;&. 4092 on each case throughout the year. Clicking to link to the reporting page and historical data. The SAP Partner Demo Environment, shared option gives you free access to a new shared demo landscape with dedicated enablement. you need to make changes, go the Form 4092 tab on each case. Theres more to come. Report. 0000094334 00000 n 3 0 obj PASAP Member Category: Documents. Open navigation menu. This filter has also been applied to the SAP Partner Demo Environment, shared option, Online Demo Scenarios document. Department of Education FERPA/PPRA Guidance to Schools, November 2005 22 Pa. Code, Chapter 12 12.1 - 12.42 Commonwealth SAP Interagency Committee The program also creates a bubble Once its ready to submit to the SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student's success. pre-populated and to complete the form for each case, click on the Autofill to work on this page. and closes without entering the document. Practical Guidance for Exploring the Integration and Alignment of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) with a Multi-Tiered Framework of Support(PDF)The purpose of this document is to provide <>/AcroForm<>>> We continue our series on the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program Components and Indicators which focus on SAP best practices. N=90,639 Referral REFERRAL CRITERIA 18 Triage: Is this appropriate for SAP? PK ! SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a students success. End-to-end, ready-to-run, online and offline demo scenarios are available for SAP Partners in the SAP Demo Store to position the capabilities bundled in RISE with SAP. the End of Year Reporting. r_Gi ge word/document.xml}n^dgYs!866p -[I k4IIV DIbU"K@9F^ _xEDL%|{:^L@^t;W8n3}8vG~?f;6IGA `}*%g/N9|d3c^MH9! `i9)!M W(qotq() o. The system is available to input data early in the school year through the end of the school year, at which time teams must select the button to "release" the data to PDE. rDtGL! Office for Safe [email protected] directed to read a box. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. 0000001962 00000 n Home My WebLink About 20100724 Ver 2_Site Plan_20100902 My WebLink About 20100724 Ver 2_Site Plan_20100902 : 464-92-6 Asiatic acid Catalog No. -If applicable, agency and/or district release of information forms -Follow-up action taken by SAP team -Copy of SAP Student Reporting Form (PDE 4092) SAP introduces an exciting element to Next-Generation Partnering to help fuel customer success. The Central Pennsylvania School District includes Central State College and several other districts. 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