Note that you may only receive 30 free days of international travel if you fulfill the following conditions: Certain exemptions also apply. The core motivation of the IRS in administering the bona fide residency tests is to make sure that you intend to stay in Puerto Rico for an extended period of time and that you spend limited time in the US during your period of bona fide residency. Moving to Puerto Rico can be a dream come true for individual U.S. investors and businesses seeking to lower their taxes, as long as they follow certain requirements. Then, once becoming a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, the taxpayer will then begin to acquire income sourced from Puerto Rico so that it is not taxable in the United States. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. To avoid penalties, this would require a transfer pricing analysis and intercompany agreements to determine the share of profits realized in Puerto Rico vs. on the mainland, as laid out in this guide. Thus, to reap the benefits of the ever-popular Act 60 Export Services and Individual Resident Investor tax exemptions, you must hold up your end of the bargain and settle into a life in Puerto Rico. Thanks to this code, your income sourced from Puerto Rico can be exempt from both federal and state taxes. Establishing a Puerto Rico subsidiary and recording the percentage of business income and expenses related to the Puerto Rico entity so that it can be taxed under the Act 60 incentives Application costs You'll have to pay a one-time fee of $750 when you file your initial application. Act 60 offers a corporate tax rate of 4% to Puerto Rican companies that export services performed in the territory to people or companies . Special rule for nonresident aliens. Act 52-2022 requires Puerto Rico resident individuals to report financial accounts that are held outside of Puerto Rico or outside of the United States and had a balance over $10,000 during the tax year. they want to find a way to legally avoid the overbearing US tax rules, while not necessarily expatriating and renouncing their US citizenship. The factors that the IRS considers when determining whether you have maintained a closer connection to Puerto Rico than the US during the tax year include the following: Essentially, to pass the closer connection test, you need to move your entire life to Puerto Rico, including your family. Puerto Rico's Act 60: 30% tax on first $100,000 = $30,000 and 4% of $400,000 = $16,000, for a total tax of $46,000. In addition, the income derived by a Resident Individual Investor after becoming a resident of Puerto Rico, but before January 1, 2036, consisting of interest, financing charges, dividends or partnership interest received from International Banking Entities authorized under the Banking Center Act, shall be fully exempt from income taxes in Puerto Rico, including the alternate basic tax provided in the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. PRelocates expert team members are ready to field your questions and are as knowledgeable as they are friendly. The contributions of the companies under the Act 20/22 have a positive impact on the local economy. Interestingly, however, under Sec. Golding & Golding, A PLC (2023): LawDog Enterprises - All Rights Reserved - No Legal Advice Intended: This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. This incentive is available to any individual that wasn't a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico between January 17, 2006, and January 17, 2012 (these dates have varied at different times and should be confirmed at the time of application to confirm eligibility) and moves to PR. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Bona fide resident of Puerto Rico. Your benefits should not be affected even if there are amendments to the legislation during the term of this agreement. Youll want to keep meticulous records to ensure you dont jeopardize your eligibility for these generous Act 60 tax benefits. At printing time, the government of Puerto Rico enacted into law: Act No. Individual Investor must not have been a resident of Puerto Rico during any of the 10 years prior to the effective date of Act 60 (July 1st, 2019). Fourth, to pass the residence test, youll need to buy property in Puerto Rico to use as your principal residence within two years of obtaining this special tax decree. Even if you are in the US or another country for part of the day, if you were physically present in Puerto Rico even briefly, you are counted as being present that day. If your company provides services connected to commercial activities on the island or gives advice regarding the laws and regulations of Puerto Rico, it is not providing export services, because there is a connection. Schedule Consultation . What if you dont have a primary place of employment? First and foremost, that means becoming a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico. Executed lease or transfer of title-proof of real estate ownership is required. The tax home test is the most straightforward of the three. If the unrecognized gain is US-sourced, it will still generally be taxable in the US despite Puerto Rico Incentives Code 60. Puerto Rico is easily accessible from the mainland USA with no need to show a passport when traveling from the mainland USA to Puerto Rico. Then, under a law referred to as Act 60 (formerly Act 20 and Act 22), Puerto Rico has enacted several tax incentives, the two most popular of which are as follows: a Puerto Rican corporation that's engaged in certain types of service businesses only pays Puerto Rican tax of 4%. if an individual is granted Puerto Rico tax exemption under the act, long term gains as a result of investments made after becoming a resident will be exempt from tax in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Tax Incentives Act 60 Resident Investor Individual Chapter 2 of Subtitle B, formerly Act 22. Many companies opt to become C Corporations because of the special tax advantages associated with this status. Its a great bargain. Lets traverse some of the key points of act 22 for Individuals (Act 20 is for Businesses) (now combined into act 60) as it relates to individuals and investments to US residents who relocate to Puerto Rico and become a bona fide resident (citations refer directly to the act). To enjoy this lifestyle and benefit from the tax incentives under Act 60-2019 (the Puerto Rico Incentives Code), individuals should be aware of the complex rules and the various residency requirements which now include buying property in Puerto Rico within a defined time period. Then, once becoming a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, the taxpayer will then begin to acquire income sourced from Puerto Rico so that it is not taxable in the United States. All capital gains accrued after becoming a New Resident will be 100% exempt from Puerto Rico taxes. Owners of existing businesses can qualify for the Act 60 business tax incentives in one of two ways: Youll have to pay a one-time fee of $750 when you file your initial application. To be a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico: One of these is the low 4% corporate tax rate we touched on earlier. Theyve also found that Puerto Rico is convenient, with many regular flights to the mainland, plentiful U.S. retailers, and a U.S.-based legal system. When you have satisfied all the requirements to become a bona fide Puerto Rico resident, you must file Form 8898 to notify the IRS of your new residency status. Not earn more than $3,000 in earned income in the USA during the tax year and be present in Puerto Rico for more days than in the USA. Act 60 ensures that this grant will remain a binding contract between you and the Puerto Rican government for at least 15 years. Firstly, an individual must be present in Puerto Rico for defined period. Third, to pass the closer connection test, you must convince the IRS that you have stronger ties to Puerto Rico than to the rest of the United States. If youd like to know more about the qualifying tests, consult IRS Publication 570. Not least among them are the high thresholds to qualify as a bona fide resident; however, these requirements are beyond the scope of this item. 2 This income also would be excluded from Puerto Rican income tax. With proper tax planning and sourcing allocations, a person can feasibly reduce their tax liability to nearly zero on income and assets generated and acquired once becoming a Puerto Rican resident but its not quite that simple. Keep in mind that as the owner of an export-service company, you must pay yourself a reasonable salary based on the services you provide. 1 Puerto Rico Resident CFC & PFIC Tax Planning 2 Puerto Rico Act 60 Can Shapeshift and Terminate 3 Avoiding CFC Status in Puerto Rico has Strict Requirements 4 Other CFCs are still subject to 5471, GILTI and Subpart F 5 Foreign Income is Still Taxable 6 Puerto Rico Trust are Foreign (Even if Accounts and Assets are not) As a side note, this will help solidify US residents in making Puerto Rico their main home because owning property or real estate in a location and claiming it as primary residence goes a long way in showing Puerto Rico is actually the tax home. Act 20 and 22 tax incentives have been replaced by Act 60 as of January 1, 2020. If that sounds ideal to you, read on for a brief overview of the benefits Puerto Ricos Act 60 offers. It is expected that individuals who receive their decree before this date will be grandfathered in. First, youll pay a one-time $5,005 application fee along with a $105 acceptance fee. A person must meet extensive rules and requirements to qualify for the favorable tax treatment available to residents of Puerto Rico. Offering a luxurious lifestyle, golden sand beaches and highly attractive tax benefits, this territory of the United States can offer residents a high quality of life and unique advantages without a requirement to renounce citizenship of the USA. Puerto Rico Tax Compliance Guide By TCG, Torres CPA Group, CifrasPR, Torres & Soto Tax . A Puerto Rico resident is an individual who is domiciled in Puerto Rico. Act 60 Updates from Act 22 (Individuals) The individual cannot have been a resident of Puerto Rico for at least 10 years prior this is increased from previously in which it was six years. Puerto Rico enjoys fiscal autonomy, which means that it can offer very attractive tax incentives not available on the mainland U.S., with the advantages of being in a U.S. environment. What is a Board-Certified Tax Law Specialist. Disclaimer: Neither PRelocate, LLC, nor any of its affiliates (together PRelocate) are law firms, and this is not legal advice. The most important consideration for the IRS is that you spend more time in Puerto Rico than in the rest of the United States. Promotion of Puerto Rico as a residency jurisdiction Prevalence of non-resident options via IFEs (discussed below) 1. If thats the case, the IRS will treat your primary residence as your tax home. Before using any Materials, you should consult with legal counsel licensed to practice in the relevant jurisdiction. If such appreciation is recognized after December 31, 2035, the net capital gain with respect to said Securities or other Assets shall be subject to income taxes in accordance with the tax treatment provided by the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. For example, the salaries of owners and employees are tax deductible. It has only one requirement: do not have a tax home outside of Puerto Rico during any part of the tax year. Its recommended to sell or rent out your home in the US, which will not only significantly help pass the closer connection test but also provide some extra cash. Consulting companies, auditing firms, marketing businesses, and, How to qualify for the Act 60 Export Services Tax Incentive, Moving the entire company, including employees, to Puerto Rico and ceasing all operations in the United States, Establishing a Puerto Rico subsidiary and recording the percentage of business income and expenses related to the Puerto Rico entity so that it can be taxed under the Act 60 incentives, Individual Resident Investor Tax Incentive, 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on all dividends, 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on all interest, 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on all short-term and long-term capital gains, 100% tax exemption from Puerto Rico income taxes on all cryptocurrencies and other crypto assets, Just keep in mind that to qualify for these generous incentives, you must become a, Be physically present in Puerto Rico for at least 183 days of each tax year, Make Puerto Rico your tax home by establishing your office or primary place of work there, Buy property in Puerto Rico, move your family and possessions there, get a Puerto Rican drivers license, register to vote in Puerto Rico, and do other things that demonstrate your commitment to a life on the island, Capital gains before moving to Puerto Rico, If the gains are recognized within 10 years of your move, they are taxed at the U.S. rate, If the gains are recognized after 10 years of your move, they are taxed at Puerto Ricos preferential 5% flat tax rate, and you do not owe U.S. taxes on them, Applying for the Individual Resident Investor Act, Why EB-5 Investors Should Consider Moving to Puerto Rico, How to Obtain or Renew Your Annual Vehicle Registration (Marbete) in Puerto Rico, A Guide to Puerto Rico Export Services Tax Incentive For Businesses, A Guide to Puerto Rico Investor Resident Individual Tax Incentive, How to Pass the Puerto Rico Bona Fide Residency Tests, Things to Consider Before Living in Puerto Rico, Are Puerto Ricans US Citizens? Feb. 9, 2023, 1:45 AM. Puerto Rico tax haven Eligibility under Act 60 an individual must have physical presence in the Island for at least 183 days of the year and must not have been a resident of Puerto Rico from 2009 to 2019 (the 10-year period preceding the effective date of the Incentives Code). Second, to pass the tax home test, you must not keep a tax home outside of Puerto Rico at any time. Generally, you are a bona fide resident of one of these territories (the relevant territory) if, during the tax year, you: Do not have a tax home outside the relevant territory, and, Do not have a closer connection to the United States or to a foreign country than to the relevant territory. See District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act, S.160, 111th Congress (passed by the Senate, February 26, 2009) (2009).52 However, the United States has not taken similar "steps" with regard to the five million United States citizens who reside in the other U.S. territories, of which close to four million are residents of Puerto Rico. The tax incentives enjoyed by Individual Resident Investors in Puerto Rico are perhaps the most impressive of all Puerto Rican tax incentives: Just keep in mind that to qualify for these generous incentives, you must become a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, which involves spending the majority of your time in Puerto Rico, making Puerto Rico your tax home, and establishing closer connections in Puerto Rico than in the US. Such materials are for informational This is ensured by Act 60-2019 (formerly known as Act 22). If you do not have a primary or regular place of employment, your tax home is considered to be your primary place of residence. And, if it the income is sourced in Puerto Rico, it would escape tax in the U.S. as well. The territory boasts hundreds of miles of golden sand beaches, world-class golf courses and excellent conditions for all kinds of water sports such as scuba diving and snorkeling, surfing, kayaking and paddle boarding. The non-profit charitable contribution requirement which was previously at $5,000 has been increased to $10,000. Basically, to satisfy the tax home test, keep your officeor your home, as the case may bein Puerto Rico. Under Act 60s Investor Resident Individual Tax Incentive (formerly Act 22), an eligible individual investor can receive a 100% tax exemption on interest, dividends, short- and long-term capital gains, and gains on crypto-based assets acquired after moving. A flat 4% corporate tax rate Golding & Goldingspecializes exclusivelyin international tax, and specificallyIRS offshore disclosure. You dont need to satisfy them allsatisfying just a single one is sufficient. And, if it the income is sourced in Puerto Rico, it would escape tax in the U.S. as well. If you leave your family in the US, it will be quite difficult to pass the closer connection test, unless you satisfy all the other requirements listed. *Paragraph C refers to the Presence Test. Citizens and permanent residents of the USA enjoy the right to live in Puerto Rico in the same way that citizens of Puerto Rico may live in the mainland US. */, Export Services Tax Incentive For Businesses, 100% tax exemption on distributions from earnings and profits, 75% tax exemption on municipal and state property taxes (small and medium businesses can receive a 100% exemption during their first five years of operation), To qualify, the business model must be concentrated around exporting services outside of Puerto Rico. Furthermore, the property must remain your primary residence for as long as the decree remains in force. You were present in the relevant territory for at least 183 days during the tax year. The portion of the net long-term capital gain generated by a Resident Individual Investor attributable to any appreciation of the Securities or other Assets owned by such Resident Individual Investor before becoming a Resident Individual of Puerto Rico, which appreciation is recognized ten (10) years after becoming a Resident Individual of Puerto Rico and before January 1, 2036, shall be subject to a five percent (5%) tax, in lieu of any other tax imposed under the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code and shall not be subject to the alternate basic tax provided in Subsection A of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Thus, in the most ideal of situations, the taxpayer will move to Puerto Rico and become a Bona-Fide resident without having realized but unrecognized gain already. Commit to Puerto Rico, and passing the residency tests will be fairly easy. The restrictions may have been modified to require only that the investor have spent more time in Puerto Rico than any other single place in the world. Act 52-2022 expands and clarifies the existing compliance rules under Act 60-2019. Lets get some clarity on how the tax situation plays out: To begin with, becoming a resident of Puerto Rico is not as simple as purchasing a property and visiting the PR Coast a few times a year. While Puerto Rico is considered part of the United States, it is not a state per se and therefore, the US tax treatment rules are different. . Various factors such as the presence of an individuals permanent home, family, belongings, principal bank and business in Puerto Rico, as well as the existence of professional, cultural, religious, social and political affiliations and links in Puerto Rico, may help to demonstrate a closer connection to Puerto Rico than to anywhere else. This implies residing on the island for more than 183 days per year, filling out IRS forms, such as form 8898 and applying for a tax exemption decree from the Secretary of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico. Therefore, there are multiple ways to satisfy the requirements of the presence test. Of course, this is far lower than the 21% corporate tax rate, plus state taxes, that your business would be likely to pay on the mainland. The non-profit charitable contribution requirement which was previously at $5,000 has been increased to $10,000. You should use common sense and rely on your own legal counsel for a formal legal opinion on Puerto Ricos tax incentives, maintaining bona fide residence in Puerto Rico, and any other issues related to taxes or residency in Puerto Rico. What It Means to Be a Resident of Puerto Rico. Individual - Residence. The Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC), as . If youd like to enjoy these much lower federal and state taxes, you must follow through on a series of Act 60 Puerto Rico requirements. purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. You had earned income in the United States of no more than a total of $3,000 and were present for more days in the relevant territory than in the United States during the tax year. You'll become a bona fide resident and be eligible for Act 60 tax benefits if you pass four qualifying tests: the presence test, the tax home test, the closer connection test, and the residence test. The amount of said net capital gain means the portion of the gain related to the appreciation of the Securities or other Assets owned by the Resident Individual Investor at the time of becoming a Resident Individual of Puerto Rico and those acquired by him after becoming a Resident Individual of Puerto Rico. attorney to discuss your specific facts and circumstances and to obtain advice on specific legal problems. Contrary to popular belief, just getting a Golden Visa without further action does not reduce an Americans tax liability. Puerto Ricos bona fide residency tests may seem intimidating, but if youre dedicated to starting fresh in the USs sunny Caribbean island territory, the tests are simple. However, individuals deriving income for services performed within Puerto . Miramar Plaza, 954 Avenida Ponce de LeonSuite 205San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907, #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } Fortunately, upon becoming a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, you pay no tax on your Puerto Rico-sourced income, but instead just Puerto Rican income tax. Plus, you are obliged to donate at least $10,000 USD to charity. It is important to understand what is excluded for tax purposes and what is not excluded under, It is crucial to understand that in order to exclude the income from capital gains and dividends, it should be accrued. Tax Exemption Period Act 60. 1. A Guide to Puerto Rico Export Services Tax Incentive For Businesses, A Guide to Puerto Rico Investor Resident Individual Tax Incentive, How to Pass the Puerto Rico Bona Fide Residency Tests, Things to Consider Before Living in Puerto Rico, Are Puerto Ricans US Citizens? Of important consequence is the fact that the person cannot have a closer connection to the United States or a second tax home. Under Act 60, an eligible business includes export services and commerce. Long-Term Permanent Residents (LTR) tend to not have this issue, since LTRs already have citizenship in another country. Its no surprise that thousands of Americans who have moved to the island have been thrilled with the tax breaks that have saved them millions of dollars. Flights to and from Puerto Rico are considered domestic flights, a distinction shared in the Caribbean by only one other island chain: the US Virgin Islands. The IRS' report to Congress calculated that more than 1,924 applicantscorporations, LLCs, partnerships, and other typeshad been granted tax benefits under the Exports Services Act (formerly known as Act 20) as of March 2020 based on partial information provided by Puerto Rico. Sometimes, effective tax planning can help avoid these taxes. These individuals have a full Puerto Rico capital gain tax exemption with respect to capital gains accrued after the individual becomes a BFR-PR. 7701(a)(30)) and thus is not subject to Subpart F and GILTI inclusions associated with ownership of stock in a Puerto Rican subsidiary (provided dividends received by that individual from that foreign subsidiary would be considered Puerto Rican-source). The closer connection test can be tricky for some Act 60 decree holders to satisfy because its subjective and offers no hard guidelines on fulfillment. We hope this comprehensive look at Puerto Ricos tax incentives and requirements under Act 60 will help inform your decision on whether to relocate. The total net capital gain generated by a Resident Individual Investor related to any appreciation of Securities or other Assets after said Resident Individual Investor becomes a Resident Individual of Puerto Rico, that is recognized before January 1, 2036, shall be fully exempt from income taxes in Puerto Rico, including the alternate basic tax provided in the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code. It is important to note that bona fide residency is not the same thing as residency, and you are not considered a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico simply by living in Puerto Rico. Most Puerto Rico investors who apply for Act 60 or Act 22 must donate to a Puerto Rico charity each year. Afterward, each year, you will have to make a $10,000 charitable donation and submit an annual report along with a $300 fee. However, this is a rule of thumb, and others have retained their status with fewer than 183 days on the islands soil in the wake of major natural disaster declarations. Business owners who establish a qualifying business in Puerto Rico can enjoy significant tax benefits: To qualify, the business model must be concentrated around exporting services outside of Puerto Rico. This assumes you're using an offshore company and thus not subject to Self Employment Tax in the United States. If your C Corporation conducts its business in Puerto Rico, then dividends paid to shareholders will be taxed at 0%. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Financial accounts include bank accounts, crypto asset accounts, certain insurance policies or investment accounts. You must acquire a grant of tax exemption by applying through Puerto Ricos Industrial Tax Exemption Office. Youll become a bona fide resident and be eligible for Act 60 tax benefits if you pass four qualifying tests: the presence test, the tax home test, the closer connection test, and the residence test. To benefit from the tax advantages under Act 60-2019 (detailed below) an individual must purchase property in Puerto Rico within 2 years. It means that once the person becomes a resident individual investor of Puerto Rico unde Puerto Rico Incentives Code 60 and until 1/1/2036 any dividend or interest income is exempt from tax in Puerto Rico. In another country include bank accounts, Certain insurance policies or investment accounts Act. Your questions and are as knowledgeable as they are friendly you, read on a. Ricos Industrial tax exemption Office does not reduce an Americans tax liability Rico during part... You & # x27 ; re using an offshore company and thus not subject Self! And circumstances and to obtain advice on specific legal problems extensive rules and requirements to qualify for the tax... 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