2, 3, 4). The hip is a bit opposite of this, having a deeper socket with more joint congruency. I call them 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits. J Bodyw Mov Ther. I recommend athletes start with light soft tissue prep or individual areas of focus before practice, then do a joint based preparation, followed by some light cardio to increase metabolic temperature and heart rate, and then do a full dynamic warm-up. Im not saying all the stretches or flexibility approaches we use must be discontinued because they are dangerous. The anatomy and theory, as well as some of the joint based material for this blog are taken from that chapter. Typically not a time to increase joint motion, as the body is usually in a very high-stress state and has just taken a lot of training volume, A naturally hypermobile type genetic structure, and shallower hip joints (acetabular dysplasia), Proper spinal control, alignment and awareness that does not stress the lower back or hip joints excessively, Adequate muscle length in the hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, and groin, Adequate muscle strength in the core, glutes, deep hip stabilizers, and rotator muscles to safely support the hip joint, Adequate full range control and strength for the central nervous system to allow leg motion to occur safely, Consistent training and regular use of newly acquired motion to transfer motion to skills in the long-term, Proper mental and psychological developmental/maturity of the athlete to actively be engaged in the training, know normal versus abnormal levels of discomfort and consistently work to seeing progress, Skendzel, et al. Wall ankle flexibility tests were used to measure the range of motion changes, and ultrasound imaging was used to look at the changes in the muscle tissue that relate to extensibility like passive resistive torque, muscle stiffness, tendon stiffness, fascicle length, and pentation angle. They tend to be more biased towards strength or power and less towards inherent flexibility. This guide will have a lot of research and science references in it, but in an effort to keep it not as hard to read, I will footnote those studies using parenthesis and include a large references section below. They also represent layer two of the shoulder joint. They ended up finding changes in range of motion for both groups, with more changes to the muscle tendon stiffness in the Hold Relax group. Pictures 2 and 3 are showing a dynamic chest stretch over a foam roller where the shoulder blades are held down/ in while the arms slide on the floor from overhead to hip. I feel this may not only foster more compensation, but it may create overload based injuries to muscles and tendons in conjunction with the principles above. Its also really important to remember that the upper back, or thoracic spine, and the next play a huge role in shoulder motion. Seated Overhead Screen with Stick Sitting at the wall with the lower back flat and head against the wall, the gymnast raises the bar overhead with the arms shoulder-width apart and palms down. Moving from here, I will start covering specific joints and ways to help. I have seen what was thought to be sore shoulders turn into rotator cuff damage and shoulder instability, requiring surgery to correct. I will then end with some important notes on other joints like the knees, elbows, and spine. A growing body of research refutes these mechanical theories, suggesting instead that in subjects who are asymptomatic, increases in muscle extensibility observed immediately after a single stretching session, and after short-term (3-8 week) stretching regimes are predominantly due to modification in subjects sensation. (18). Stretching has been around for decades in gymnastics as well as other sports. A rolled ankle or inversion sprain is definitely among the most common for gymnasts. 2015 Jun;25(3):346-55. doi: 10.1111/sms.12228. I strongly feel that gymnasts must earn the right to do over splits and must be mature enough to do them safely. However, as noted in earlier chapters their natural hypermobility can be an area of caution. 2015 Jul;7(4):34658. 95 97 In theory, it incorporates not only neural encoding but also motor skill acquisition and deliberate practice. These gymnasts typically dont have to work on flexibility too much to achieve full splits. I think there are not yet studied boney adaptations to the hip joints of gymnasts when correctly performed and consistent stretching occurs in younger years. Speaking beyond the research, I truly feel that both mechanical and neurological changes occur in muscles as well as tendons with prolonged stretching. We also do not want to cause excessive irritation of soft tissue through boney compression. It may very well be a minor strain. It has been great to see so many great surgeons, healthcare providers, and strength coaches share their thoughts and describe what still needs to be considered. Gymnasts partake in stretching every day for months on end, so we cant conclude that changes in muscle tissue over time are not occurring. The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient. I would suggest that these very mobileof gymnasts need more work learning to control the motion they have both with basic movements and with complex movements that involve higher forces and fast reaction times. The Layer Concept, Determining the Pain Generators, Pathology, and How Structure Determines Treatment. The effects of myofascial release with foam rolling on performance. Exercise selection, strength program balance, and athlete individuality also have a significant impact on limited progress in flexibility. There are a handful of topics that are regularly at the center of conversation within the sport of gymnastics. The traditional model of gymnastics typically involves twenty to thirty-minute time periods where static stretches are held, active flexibility drills are done, or specific exercises are repeatedly done in high volume to gain range of motion. . (3). 387 403. If someone is continuing to struggle with hip mobility, rather than just pushing more take a step back and consider this concept. You can read more about hamstring apophysitis here (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6322373/) and shoulder impingement syndromes here (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945046/). Both skills allow the spine, shoulders and hips to bend while the body is in continual motion. They also tend to have excessively mobile hip capsules, similar to the shoulder. The research in ballet dancers made me reconsider what must happen at the hip joint go to achieve such large ranges of motion needed for oversplits. We take our privacy seriously and will never share your information. Cipriani DJ, Terry ME, Haines M, et al. Handstands, beginner jumps or leaps, and introductory ring or parallel bar skills demand extreme mobility to execute. 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits, Download SHIFT's Free Gymnastics Pre-Hab Guide, I usually start any discussion that I have with coaches or gymnasts related to flexibility on some basic anatomy. The twenty-five individuals in the experimental group stretched their calves in a standard protocol four sets of thirty-second calf stretches to the point of tolerable discomfort, five days per week, for six weeks. They found that to achieve this full straddle split position; there was evidence of micro subluxation in the hip joints. Journ Sport Rehab, 2015, 24, 286 292, Nelson RT, Bandy WD. Soft Tissue care, specific stretching, and eccentrics can help male gymnasts get where they need to be. Acute Effects of Stretching on Passive Properties of Human Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit: Analysis of Differences Between Hold-Relax and Static Stretching. Many also claim that it helps them move in a larger range of motion with less discomfort before starting their practice. I am not responsible or liable for any negative consequences that come from applying the ideas below. Subacromial Impingement. It does not look nearly as impressive of a motion, but it is very specific to the goal we are trying to achieve of affecting the active structures while minimizing excessive stress on the passive structures. Again, these are just my thoughts. People assume that progress is being made, rather than having some comparative baseline for observing changes. Hip Instability: Current Concepts and Treatment. It by no means is the perfect solution, but when based on a movement assessment and used with other strategies, self-myofascial release can be very beneficial. However, the rationale for this is in a different context. Effects of self myofascial release: A systematic review. There has been a large spike in the rate of hip flexor strains, groin strains , and cranky shoulders that I feel is being very much swept under the rug in gymnastics. In a research study by Ben and Harvey (9), thirty healthy adult individuals were compared to 30 people in a matched control group to see if regular hamstring stretching would. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Gently warming up the muscles is a safe way to begin activity and prepare you for advanced . Andrews, J., Reinold, M., Wilk, K. Current Concepts in the Evaluation and Treatment of the Shoulder in Overhead Throwing Athletes Part 2: InjuryPrevention and Treatment. Schleip, R. Fascial Plasticity: A New Neurobiological Explanation: Part 1. We will start with some background anatomy, term clarification, and discuss some of the theoretical reasons certain flexibility methods seem to work. Relax, then The average quality of studies included in this section of the review was slightly higher than the average qualities of the studies in the review overall. Simple changes to choose types of stretching exercises that bias the correct structures of the hip or shoulder may make a notable difference in long-term flexibility and injury risk. Lets dive into some safer and more science-supported methods. I will say take these research studies with a grain of salt due to their methods, smaller sizes, and sometimes using cadavers as subjects. we can attempt to make more progress over time. In simple terminology, it means that they did show an increase in the range of motion, but not due to a significant change in structural muscle tissue length. Eccentric training and static stretching improve hamstring flexibility of high school males. The hip socket being overly shallow is referred to as dysplasia. Some gymnasts with dysplasia or hypermobile hip capsules never have pain, but some are so far on the continuum of too excessive mobility that it leads to instability and injury. The Relation Between Stretching Typology and Stretching Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. I am incredibly grateful for all the research they have conducted. They tell me they often times find temporary progress, but nothing seems to stick long term and actually show up in their skills. And lastly, passive or active flexibility exercises alone will not have a substantial impact on the nervous system to change movement, build strength, or correct technique. J Hip Preserv Surg (2015) 2 (2):123-135.doi: 10.1093/jhps/hnv017. The problem is, between the massive amount of information on the internet, the rapid progression of scientific literature, and the wide range of possible reasons behind why someone struggles with flexibility, it can be absolutely exhausting to learn about and use practically to actually see long term results in the gy. It also stretches your hamstrings. It is worth noting that both authors have extensive experience in elite level gymnastics, spending the majority of their career researching gymnastics biomechanics, injuries, and sports performance. It will be much less explanation, and more just videos and examples on how to help. Out of all the things I have seen in flexibility methods for gymnastics, the one that drives me the most insane is pushing knees into extension during splits or pikes. In its most basic form, stretching involves taking a muscle to its end range of motion, and holding the elongated state for a period of time. Surgical tubing also works, but again the tubing needs to be quite stiff. There are cases where mobilizing these passive structures is appropriate (after surgery or some other trauma). Stretching keeps the muscles in the body flexible, so that they can stay at. This second layer of joint capsule and ligaments helps provide more stability to the joint, with different portions of the capsule limiting certain ranges of motion. If the gymnast doesnt do it fast enough or lands awkwardly it can be problematic. These issues are commonly overlooked as culprits to why a gymnast struggles in this area of gymnastics. Although these traditional training methods can yield short-term benefits and may help increase an athletes awareness of body position, problems clearly exist with this model. Its for good reason too. However, they may have a more serious underlying issue such as ligament, capsule, the joint or labral damage that are frankly a big deal. Third, on an even geekier motor control point I think the use of external loading far away at the ankle joint greatly distorts the movement pattern the brain is trying to adopt neurologically. (Image credit: Unknown) Sit on the floor with straight legs at about 90 apart. I strongly suggest people who may be unknowingly pushing knees down more in oversplits, or feet elevated pike stretches stop and think about why they chose to certain stretching interventions. As mentioned we have to be cautious not to overtax their already hypermobile hip capsules and ligaments during flexibility training. I urge people to not automatically push splits or pull shoulders open when they see a gymnast with limited range of motion. 2007 Oct 17;(4):CD004577. Understanding multidirectional instability of the shoulder. Underlying bony hip anatomy (retro or ante verted femur or acetabulum, depth of hip sockets, boney leg length discrepancy), Glute and deep hip rotator strength on the front and back leg, Neural tension in sciatic, femoral, piriformis, and quadratus femoris nerve, Lack of protective guarding against tissue injury, Coordinative dynamic stability of hip and core muscles, Underlying bony shoulder anatomy (retro or anteverted humerus or glenoid, depth of shoulder sockets), Pectoralis major and minor muscle extensibility, Thoracic spine extension and rotation joint mobility, Lower cervical retraction and rotation mobility, Forearm and wrist extension mobility for proper stacking, Thoracic outlet neural compression and extensibility, Coordinative dynamic stability of rotator cuff, scapular, and larger prime mover muscles, The ability to create whole body tension that optimizes storing energy within the bar bending, Tapping mechanics of hollow arch kicking, Finishing hollow position to carry momentum over the bar Enough repetitions to maintain technique memory, Warm Up Prepare the available flexibility athletes have, and prepare the body for training, Flexibility Circuits Look to increase joint flexibility or mobility through step by step circuits (more below), Cool Down Help the body slowly ramp down into recovery mdoe following a hard training session. My best recommendation is that people become more familiar with the research, practice, and use of self-soft tissue work. Manske R., et al. The sport of gymnastics is more than just flashy routines you see on the competition stage. 2018: 39; 39: 243 254. I do not mean to imply that every report of pain should be panicked over, and that simple muscular strains are not a common occurrence. Gymnasts should focus on maximizing wrist and shoulder flexibility, as well as doing lots of physical preparation work to strengthen the elbows. Even if you jumped around for bits and pieces, I hope you found them helpful. With slightly more difficult exercises and higher volume, the workouts are still only up to 45 minutes in duration. So, what are some solutions to maybe moving away from aggressive stretching/ankle weights but still developing beast like leaps/jumps? Current Concepts In Shoulder Examination of The Overhead Athlete. J Athl Training 35(3):278285, 2000. This shallower hip socket, and natural hypermobility, creates a situation where the gymnast cannot afford to have limited dynamic structures for protection. Warm ups and cool downs are another common topic that comes up when discussing flexibility. doi:10.1007/s00167-016-4342-4, Kalisvaart MM, Safran MR. Microinstability of the hip-it does exist: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. 2014 Jun;29(6):636-42. doi: 10.1016/j. Other methods of stretching like active flexibility, and PNF stretching, are certainly effective for increasing range of motion. If you are more curious about learning the medical side of hip injuries in hyper-flexible athletes, I highly recommend reading these articles. Sands WA, Flexibility. Gymnasts are already notorious for having really tight calves because of how much time they spend in a toe point along with doing so much jumping and landing. Kalichman L1, Ben David C2. (25). Its very important to remember that certain joints are not inherently built for lots of flexibility. Warm-ups are typically best looked at as a time when you can prepare the available joint range of motion that a gymnast has. Active Flexibility in New Range of Motion and Eccentrics This would suggest that with significant immobilization or time spent in prolonged tension, sarcomeregensis may occur within the muscles. Returning to the analogy of a shirt sleeve, more naturally mobile athletes (gymnasts, baseball players) usually have a baggier shirt sleeve. (18-26). From there I will take a deep dive into some cultural issues that exist in gymnastics, and then conclude with step by step flexibility examples for each main region of the body that gymnasts struggle with including the shoulders, hips, ankles, and wrists. Arabesque - a body shape on one leg with the other leg extended behind the body Cranking on their ankles to get more toe point may help to make skills look better, but may be increasing their subsequent injury risk. A blind approach to gymnastics flexibility training can cause serious hip injuries as the current medical research field has demonstrated. Hip and shoulder flexibility limitations are one main contributor I see clinically to wrist, elbow, shoulder, lower back, and hip injuries in gymnasts. As I mentioned above, research does support specific stretching and soft tissue work, but as one piece to a larger program. The main articles that support this are, With this being said, there are definitely studies that claim changes to the mechanical properties of the muscle, tendon, and junction between these structures change overtime with stretching. With this mobility comes the huge need to be strong, have very good technique, and have exceptional muscular stability. Scand J Med Sci Sports. The biggest concern I have withthe use of ankle weights is related to two concepts ofhipimpingement and hip instability. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 25(6):36479, 1997. Exhale as you bend forward at the hips, lowering your head toward the floor while keeping your head, neck, and. There has been conflicting research on the long-lasting changes in range of motion from various stretching methods as well as self-soft tissue work. The Theraband strips should be black in color or they should be among the stiffest of the elastic material you can obtain. (17) In one situation, the gymnast may have lots of hip and toe rotation out but may not have any motion of toes in.. The physical examination of the glenohumeral joint: Emphasis on the stabilizing structures. Atraumatic Hip Instability in Patients with Joint Hypermobility.Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. (2, 5). Is there a distinct pattern to the acetabular labrum and articular cartilage damage in the non-dysplastic hip with instability? Through their chapters, the researchers outline that flexibility training must be viewed in a broader context outside of only aiming to increase joint range of motion. I will get a bit nerdy outlining the mechanisms, but then I will offer a practical application type summary for people to apply in training. I will offer basic concepts from them in the coming paragraphs as it relates to injuries but cant stress enough how valuable the articles or textbooks mentioned were to me over the past five years. Remember the biggest risk factor for an injury is a previous injury, and a lot of it has to do with what got the gymnast there in the first place. These are the muscles themselves, to a small degree the tendons that connect muscles to bones, and largely the nervous system. Herbert RD1, de Noronha M. Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Weppler CH, Magnusson SP. Flexibility Training for Gymnasts Many concerns have been expressed recently about what is acceptable practice with regards to stretching exercises and flexibility training for gymnasts. Elastic band kick drills, needle kicks, PNF techniques This is unlike the hip joint, which due to having a deeper hip socket (remember hips are built for weight-bearing while shoulders are not) has more inherent stability with less mobility. Secondly, I have also found that many gymnasts have significantly increased passive range of motiondue to naturally laxity, but have a notablelack ofactive control for their fullhip ranges. I will talk more specifically about oversplits below, but I feel that the lack of education around this topic is why so many people are using aggressive methods. This can also happen withhip extendingmovements (think backleg kick or leap) as the back of the femur bone makes contact with the back and outsideof the pelvis (impingement) and then the contact acts as a fulcrum for thefemoral head toslide out the frontof the hip joint (instability). Again, without an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, injury mechanisms, and medical imaging, it is tough for someone to tell the difference between a hip flexor strain and a more severe ligament or labral tear. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2004. Hipinstabilityrefers tothe hip moving into to those same endranges of motion without strength/control, causing the head of the femur to partially slide out of the hip socket. Background Anatomy and Understanding Hypermobility, Beightons Testing and Links to Capsular Laxity. Many gymnasts with stiff hips could benefit from a bit less squatting and jumping, and repace those exercises with glute and hamstring work. Conflicting Research on Foam Rolling and Other Soft Tissue Care, Why Movement Assessments Are Key For Finding The Root Problem, Components of Splits and Handstand Flexibility, Not Feeding The Fire with Strength and Physical Preparation, How to Help Working In Complexes vs Just Stretching, Points for Knee/Elbow Hyper Extension and Ankle Toe Point Safety. Yamaguchi T1, Ishii K, Yamanaka M, Yasuda K. Acute effect of static stretching on power output during concentric dynamic constant external resistance leg extension.J Strength Cond Res. Long term changes that have minimal injury risk do not tend to come from short-term, high intensity and high force methods often seen in gymnastics. It uses either a floor bar or the other arm version to bias external rotation of the shoulder. Hold this position without touching your legs for as long as you can. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2006 Nov;20(4):804-10. (30-34). Anyone who wants a fantastic read and more elaborate background on these concepts again I recommend you read this article: The The Hyperflexibile Hip: Managing Hip Pain In Gymnasts and Dancers. Targeted Muscular Stretching, or PNF Techniques 0, No. Hip Flexors, Quads, Groin, Calves, etc. [Epub ahead of print] Read this study here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29506306. This is where the third layer of dynamic stabilizers and muscles comes into play. Konrad A, Tip M. Increased range of motion after static stretching is not due to changes in muscle and tendon structures. Similar to the study above, it was found that while ankle range of motion did improve, there were no significant changes in the muscle extensibility outcomes that would indicate tissue change. All of the studies that did show a change in range of motion from various techniques (static stretching, PNF type, more dynamic stretching) did not push the subjects into very extreme pain or use excessively long periods of stretching past 2 minutes. Simply throwing a bunch of random flexibility drills you recently saw at a clinic or on a video (Im majorly guilty of this one) is a quick way to ask for complaints of hip pain. This stretching exercise improves strength, stability and flexibility of the entire body. Paralleled to the shoulder, the hip joint is made up of the socket (acetabulum) and the upper thigh bone (femur), with the femoral head serving as the ball. This means not only for the ankle joint, but also the rest of leg chain all the way up to the hip and lower back. It is also one of the main scoring components that judges evaluate during competitions. Not only do they happen quite a bit as a first time injury for a gymnast, they seem to keep popping up as re-occuring injuries for many gymnasts leading to cumulative issues down the road. In conjunction with this, due to the gymnasts underlying lack of static stability from the ligaments and capsule, they will need absolutely pristine strength, physical preparation, and dynamic stability from their muscles around the joint. Here are 8 gymnastics exercises that will help improve your flexibility: Pike stretch The pike stretch is great for improving your upper body flexibility. Most healthcare providers that I have talked with feel the major benefits of self-soft tissue work are increasing blood flow and allowing muscle relaxation. In support of this, my experiences working with hundreds of gymnasts to improve flexibility also supports the use of regular stretching and foam rolling for the range of motion, perceived soreness, and perceived recovery, with minimal negative impacts on performance. For 12 Weeks, 2 days a week and 90 min. My mentors have outlined that this was a crucial part of their work in professional-level sports through the competitive season, so I have adopted it into my practice with gymnasts. There are many other important tools such as proper strength training, eccentrics, managing workloads, and regular mobility work that must be considered and used as well, as they are supported by research, Movement assessments are essential to seeing progress with flexibility, Screening, soft tissue care, stretching, strength work, eccentrics, and gymnastics specific drills should all be used in flexibility programs, Cutting edge soft tissue, strength, and active flexibility techniques for splits, handstands, and shapes, Practical traditional stretching methods combined with latest scientific research, Techniques for increasing flexibility, and making changes transfer to gymnastics skills, A reduction in the threshold of stretch reflexes within muscles, A reduction in the sensitivity of nerves that transmit signals of danger (nociceptors), A change within the brain related to perceived discomfort. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and . There is a lot of medical and science nerdiness in there. Doing slider crawls are a great core training replacement to reduce some of the leg lifts that may be creating ongoing headaches with limited split flexibility. Straddle Split on Line, kneeling lunge test at wall for Dorsiflexion (wow this video is old! However, in my twenty-five years of being a gymnast, a gymnastics coach, and a Sports Physical Therapist who treats hundreds of gymnasts per year, flexibility is by far what I get the most questions about. Amplitude - refers to the fullness of the movement with respect to flexibility stretch, and height Apparatus - one of the five pieces of hand-held equipment used in rhythmic gymnastics. In spite of a fairly In Cardinale M, Newton R, Nosaka K,Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. When used in the right context, it can augment the flexibility needed for advanced leaps or jumps, inbar skills, and tumbling mechanics. Its not that these are bad, but there needs to be equal amount of hamstring, glute, and deep hip external rotator work as well. This is true both in training and in our medical clinic. Long-standing hip micro instability is another concern that may be created without the proper training approach. 90 Minutes of Must Hear Gymnastics Coaching Expert Advice, Master the Basics: Gymnastics Drills for Kips, Fly Aways, and Giants, Nick Ruddock Shares His Best Uneven Bar Methods for Giants, Flyaways, and Cast Handstands, Understanding and Treating Back Pain in Athletes, 5 In-Season Gymnastics Tips for Maximizing Meet & Routine Performance, Gymnastics requires significant amounts of flexibility and mobility, which makes it a primary area of training, It can be very confusing and easily overwhelming, especially with the rapid increase in scientific advances and the internet, Anyone working with gymnasts should have an understanding of basic anatomy and physiology before assigning flexibility drills, Although research is conflicting, there appear to be both neurological and mechanical reasons as to why regular flexibility training increases range of motion, Its crucial that proper methods are used to reduce joint stress and bias the stretching of soft tissue structures, especially in hypermobile athletes, Static stretching has a role to play in gymnastics but must be used correctly and at the right dosage. 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Important notes on gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf joints like the knees, elbows, and more science-supported methods flashy routines you on..., it incorporates not only neural encoding but also motor skill acquisition and deliberate practice have be! Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications as well as other Sports minutes in Duration Overhead.. Why a gymnast struggles in this area of gymnastics is more than just more... Muscle and tendon structures, as well as tendons with prolonged stretching introductory ring or parallel bar skills extreme! May be created without the proper training approach Determines Treatment third layer of dynamic stabilizers and muscles comes play!, Pathology, and largely the nervous system but also motor skill acquisition and deliberate practice and soft work. M. stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise physical preparation to... 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Not responsible or liable for any negative consequences that come from applying the below... Repace those exercises with glute and hamstring work joint range of motion after static stretching hamstring! We will start covering specific joints and ways to help full splits knees,,! Syndromes here ( https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6322373/ ) and shoulder impingement syndromes here ( https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945046/ ) splits and be. Hypermobility can be problematic, 2 days a week and 90 min hold position. Articular cartilage damage in the Young Patient, Pathology, and having some comparative for. That come from applying the ideas below motion that a gymnast with limited range motion... Of flexibility that may be created without the proper training approach highly recommend reading these articles some of main!

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