Every position of rank and responsibility will be merit-based. Evaluate the feasibility of sworn positions and focus on redeployment of deputies into our communities for increased public safety and law enforcement safety, Establish community policing in all of Douglas County by assigning take home sheriff vehicles for higher visibility and faster emergency responses and establishing a prisoner transport vehicle that responds to every community, to also include municipalities to take custody of prisoners. I will also be an active partner in legislation that holds criminals accountable, appropriately holds law enforcement accountable, and protects victims of crime in our community. I do not support the idea of arming teachers in Douglas County Schools. Experience matters. 1-303-566-4100. ", "After careful consideration and after much discussion with other Retired and Present Law Enforcement Officers, I have decided to change and Fully Endorse Darren Weekly for the Office of Douglas County Sheriff. Red Flag is a violation of our United States Constitution. Darren Weekly for Sheriff!, Local business leader, law enforcement veteran, "It is my privilege and honor to endorse Darren Weekly and support him to become the next Sheriff of Douglas County. A 26-year veteran of the Colorado State Patrol, she was the first woman captain and major in CSP. DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas, a Republican candidate for sheriff, stood by a pledge she gave to the Holly Kluth, candidate for Douglas County sheriff and the former undersheriff, is denying allegations that she ordered another employee to alter her In that time, Ive work with and for Darren Weekly. Following research done by Facilities Director Rod Naab, the board approved the purchase of a generator from Interstate Power Systems, Inc. for I have more in-depth operational sheriffs office experience at nearly every level in every division of the organization. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. If we fail to do that, employees will go to an agency that will be more accommodating to their personal lives. Council seemed to think that proposals , For the second time in as many weeks, Brighton police said there is no credible evidence to indicate a threat to an area school. The entire foundation of our criminal justice system is based on those rights. I strongly endorse Darren Weekly to be the next Douglas County Sheriff., Darren Weekly will be a unifying sheriff who supports the Second Amendment, deeply understands the public safety issues impacting our community, such as homelessness, human trafficking, and school security, As the largest law enforcement organization in Colorado and the Nation, representing over 8,000 of our States sworn law enforcement officers, the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is proud to announce its support and endorsement of Darren Weekly for Douglas County Sheriff., There is only one candidate in the Douglas County Sheriff's race that knows the office inside and out and can provide proper leadership and It has connected people who have mental illness with services who may do harm to others. This law is about mental health and community safety, not gun rights. Im running because I am passionate about the future of the organization, the future of public safety and the quality of life in Douglas County. The citizens of Douglas County rank DCSO as the best provider of public services with a performance rate exceeding 95%. Internal protection is paramount. We take an oath to uphold the law, safeguard Thomas: The job of the sheriff is to enforce the law. I have served or supervised every area of the Douglas County Sheriffs Office, can step in on day one knowing the people, the budget, the operations and the challenges. My daily work with college students preparing to enter the workforce has provided me with recruiting strategies. He is truly what this county needs moving forward to further what is already one of the finest Sheriffs Offices in the United States. He leads all lobbying efforts for the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police. When possible, assign deputies take home cars, ensure their worth and value, fair promotional process and assignments that employees desire at every opportunity. WebWhen electing the next Douglas County Sheriff, you will see that Mike Phibbs is the most qualified candidate. DCSO also does a tremendous job of thoroughly investigating all threats to the community to include inside of our schools. I will use that knowledge and experience to help find practical, proactive solutions to crime. With 28 years of I will exercise every means to protect our community from individuals who are a threat without using the Red Flag law unless they are suffering from severe mental health issues or are an imminent threat. I have worked in and led in the most critical roles within the sheriff's office. Continued education of students and staff, employing cutting edge technology and working together with schools will make sure our most vulnerable citizens and staff are protected. For more than five years as county commissioner, I have worked to tackle the root causes of crime homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse. I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. Douglas County In Douglas County, where Sheriff Tony Spurlock was term-limited, With respect to the patrol division, our staff needs to have more unobligated time that will enable more proactive patrolling and traffic enforcement. RELATED: Douglas County Commissioners to head to San Luis Valley for water export meetings, SUGGESTED VIDEOS:Full Episodes of Next with Kyle Clark. DCSO also trains our staff on active threat response to ensure we react quickly to stop an active killer. I managed to leash him and coax him to my home. As a former patrol and detention division captain, I thoroughly understand the workload our staff endures. I try to create teams to work on ideas and issues together so that all can share in successes. As Sheriff, I know he will continue to provide a strong law enforcement agency that also has sensitivity for victims of crime and all citizens of Douglas County. When it comes to the law as well as policy, I play by the book. Lastly, he is a respected law enforcement officer throughout Douglas County and Colorado. Darren has demonstrated a strong work ethic during his 28 years with law enforcement at the Douglas County Sheriffs Office. I have always supported school resource officers and have approved millions for additional SROs. Employment Type: 1 - Full-time Temporary. Thomas was questioned about her links to FEC United by a citizen at Tuesday's Board of County Commissioners meeting. "I have never been at any meeting where I have asked to end anyone's life. I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. In another case, the person posted he actively wanted to kill people. The most important thing that must be done is the systemic change in the culture of leadership at DCSO. I believe that everyone in Douglas County should have a choice in the election of the sheriff, not just one political party. Our troops put their lives on the line every single day. She came to know Douglas Countys highways, streets and dusty county roads. Weekly's experience is unmatched. I have 28 years of exemplary service with DCSO. Two Democrats and two Republicans are in the race. "The pledge I signed was to a set of values, ideals and principles, NOT to an organization or any individual of an organization," Thomas said. It offers competitive salaries and benefits compared with other agencies in our area. ", "I have 40 years of experience in Sheriff's Offices. Recruiting and retention of staff should be prioritized. WebCandidate Information - Election Year 2022 Candidate Committee Information Financial Summary This data is current as of: DECEMBER 13, 2022 - REPORT OF As sheriff, I will work with the legislature to reform it and protect the Constitution. Council seemed to think that proposals , For the second time in as many weeks, Brighton police said there is no credible evidence to indicate a threat to an area school. It was evident how thoroughly experienced and highly respected he is within the Douglas County Sheriffs office. Law enforcement in our nation and in our state is facing unique challenges never seen before. Thomas: I have always supported the carrying of firearms by licensed adults in our schools. In nearly all cases where DCSO has invoked Red Flag, the same result could have been obtained by merely bringing the matter into the criminal justice system, where proper process can be afforded. I will also be an active partner in legislation that holds criminals accountable, appropriately holds law enforcement accountable, and protects victims of crime in our community. Including 20 years as the Undersheriff of Douglas County under the Great leadership of Sheriff Steve Zotos. I have known Darren as not only a 28-year protector of our county but also as the guardian of Cherry Hills Community Church. Darren cares about employees and the community, and his leadership and skills are what's needed to lead the Douglas County Sheriff's Office into the future. DCSO has not added sufficient frontline patrol or detention personnel to ensure appropriate staffing levels to deal with the increased workload or the increase in our inmate population. Millions and millions of dollars are being wasted every year on pet capital projects. Douglas County, there is no one else Weekly: From 2017 to 2021 crime in our service area has increased 9%. I am that leader. While line level staff and mid-level management have excelled in keeping Douglas County the lowest crime rate in the front range, the past few years of extremely political leadership, recent hiring of ex-sheriffs who dont live in the county having no connection to it and politicized personnel decisions by upper management has left the office with a lack of leadership and placement of citizens and employees second. Raised $341,000.00 at the Broadmoor to disseminate Bibles worldwide, Partnered with the cast of Duck Dynasty for charity, National Western Stock Show Board for Childrens Catch-a-Calf fundraiser. Please join me in supporting Darren Weekly for Douglas County Sheriff on November 8th. He is ready to be Douglas Countys next sheriff. Ive lived in Douglas County for over 25 years. He is compassionate about his family, concerned about community, and courageous beyond belief. ", "I have known Darren Weekly through professional channels for more than 20 years. Open communication and the ability to share ideas and information is key in better community protection for all counties. But instead of dissing, council was exploring options for trash removal services. On Friday morning, Marinelli had 54.15% of the vote and Brady had 45.85%. I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. I have brought that same philosophy to just about every leadership position I have ever held, and I believe my unmatched record speaks for itself. As sheriff, it is my legal duty to effect service of process of court documents. Debate held about Park Hill Golf Course's future, Controversial term keeps finding its way onto autopsy reports of people who die under police officers, Snow showers tonight, sunshine, warming trend heading into the weekend, 7 photos of the terrific March 1 Colorado sunrise, Church distances itself from violent comment made at FEC United event, Testimony indicates Colorado GOP chair led fringe conspiracy group allied with militia, Douglas County Commissioners to head to San Luis Valley for water export meetings. I do not believe any county resources should be used in confiscating the private property of our citizens without proper observation of their rights. Resources and plenty of them are key to fighting this dangerous problem. As the police chief of the Auraria Campus, I hosted a large-scale multi-day exercise for 35 different agencies. In fact, veteran cops from both Denver PD and Aurora PD are now coming to DCSO because they know they are respected and appreciated by the administration as well as the community we serve. I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. If elected I would partner with other conservative sheriffs to take stands against anti-police legislation, government overreach, increasing control of law-abiding citizens and infringement of our guaranteed Constitutional rights. document.write(['horizonoliveoil','gmail.com'].join('@'))/*]]>*/ , [emailprotected] 0030-28410-26084, 0030-6972236082. I will be an active partner with both our legislators and district attorneys in order to fight against any legislation that infringes on our individual rights, decriminalizing criminal behavior and any bail reform legislation. Darren is in public service because he truly has an interest in protecting our freedoms and quality of life. DCSO works smarter to catch criminals preying on our community. I will ensure tough on crime policies, concentrated enforcement, Ill promote partnership with communities and citizens, work with surrounding communities and legislators, and enlist advanced and visionary technology to detect and solve crime to keep this county safe. "I can only assume that you listened to my remarks in their entirety," she said. On April 14, 1978, I was hired as the fourth officer in the agency serving as patrolman, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, commander and acting chief of police. Darren has excelled as a leader in every division that he has worked in his DCSO career. One was delusional, firing shots inside his home. I will empower decision making up and down all levels of the chain of command, but with increased responsibility will also come increased accountability. But one or two officers per school is not going to provide the necessary armed security necessary to deal with armed attacks. I have established strong, long-term relationships throughout Douglas County to include local municipalities. There is no faster way of losing the support of the troops then demonstrating that "this task is below me" while simultaneously criticizing them for their performance of said task. Also 5 years as Executive Director of the County Sheriff's of Colorado. "The pledge that I signed was that I would honor my conservative principles and if I did not, I would expect the people to hold me accountable for those principles," Thomas said. Darren has my full support in his race to be the next Sheriff of Douglas County. Please join me in supporting Darren Weekly as your next Sheriff., "I am proud to strongly support Darren Weekly for Douglas County Sheriff. Starting a volunteer advocacy group to help individuals fearful of law enforcement can help build trust. Over the years, various positions have been pulled from patrol as well as the detention division and re-allocated to other assignments. Exceptional and fair leadership is imperative, opportunities for growth and promotion and satisfied and healthy employees serve the citizens with professionalism. Kluth: As an elected sheriff I will be in a position of authority to make a difference for citizens, as well as employees. ", Board Member - Highlands Ranch Metro District, South Metro Fire Rescue, Highlands Ranch Law Enforcement Training Foundation, "As Douglas County continues to grow and crime is increasing at a rapid rate, we must elect a sheriff who is going to keep communities and schools the safest they can be, we feel Darren is that candidate who can lead Douglas County into the future with safety and security. But instead of dissing, council was exploring options for trash removal services. 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 I'm a private businessman. What made you interested in running for sheriff? My wife called me very early the next morning to tell me what happened. Anderson: Internal protection is paramount. Biography: Im a Colorado native. This one involves Pennock Elementary. Public Safety, FBINAA Graduate 163rd, Session Graduate of the 81st, Session of the National Sheriffs Association, "Public safety in Douglas County is one of my top priorities as a board member of the Highlands Ranch Metro District. Ive always fought for pay and benefits and as the sheriff, will make sure their voices are heard. Darren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. Our dispatchers have a tremendously difficult job, even at full staffing. WebDarren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. "Any attempt to associate or connect me with the advocation of violence by another person is not only wrong, but purposefully reckless," Thomas said. The law enforcement community is close-knit, and it is well-known which agencies have the best leadership and work environments. Council seemed to think that proposals , For the second time in as many weeks, Brighton police said there is no credible evidence to indicate a threat to an area school. When you normalize the data to account for the increase in population, crime only increased 1% from 2017 to 2021. I initiated our employee wellness program and supervised it for the first few years. Serving 32 years as a deputy, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, chief and undersheriff, I worked for four sheriffs. They knew that I am tough and no-nonsense, but fair, honest and square-dealing. View Douglas County 2022 General Election Unofficial Results Please note that this page He will be a great Sheriff. Darren operates from a position of zero ego, is very approachable, and sincerely cares about the Douglas County Community. In addition to working with the County Sheriffs of Colorado on important legislation, I look forward to bringing many years of experience in working directly with members of the general assembly on all matters that impact public safety in Douglas County. The job of the sheriff is to enforce the law. Darren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. I will focus on Constitutional laws and stronger jail sentences. I served over 40 years with the Castle Rock Police Department. States north of the border have no initial control. Anderson: Ask the people of Douglas County to transfer funding from the Justice Center tax fund from brick and mortar to more boots on the ground. The discussion came during a town hall meeting Feb. , Fort Lupton City Council talked trash during its Feb. 28 town hall meeting. This was all achieved through his leadership. Exceptional and fair leadership is imperative, opportunities for growth and promotion and satisfied and healthy employees serve the citizens with professionalism. Captain Darren Weekly is the most energetic, innovative, street-smart, and overall superior candidate to be your next Sheriff. I believe that mentorship of new leaders, sharing wisdom and successes and developing others to take your place creates motivated and professional employees that aspire to go above the call of duty. Have been pulled from patrol as well as the Sheriff, will make sure their voices are.. To tell me what happened performance rate exceeding 95 % and supervised it for first... Our County but also as the best provider of public services with a performance rate 95... Serve the citizens with professionalism we have noticed you are using an blocking... By four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what is... 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